Metall alyuminiy qotishmalari nima?

Alyuminiy ma'lum miqdorda boshqa qotishma elementlar qo'shilgan engil metall materiallardan biridir. Alyuminiyning umumiy xususiyatlaridan tashqari, alyuminiy qotishmalari qo'shilgan qotishma elementlarning har xil turlari va miqdori tufayli qotishmalarning o'ziga xos xususiyatlariga ega. The density of aluminum alloy is 2.63~2.85g/cm, with high strength (σb is 110~650MPa), the specific strength is close to high alloy steel, the specific stiffness exceeds steel, with good casting performance and plastic processing performance, yaxshi elektr va issiqlik o'tkazuvchanligi, yaxshi korroziyaga chidamliligi va payvandlash qobiliyati, can be used as structural materials, in aerospace, aviatsiya, transport, qurilish, mechanical and electrical, light chemical and It have a wide range of applications in aerospace, aviatsiya, transport, qurilish, electromechanical, light chemical and daily necessities.

What are some common alloys of aluminum?

Metal aluminum alloy is a general term for alloys based on aluminum. There are different models, and the metal components added to various aluminum alloys are also different. The main alloying elements are Cu(mis), Va(kremniy), Mg(magniy), Zn(sink), Mn( marganets), and the secondary alloying elements are Ni(nikel),Fe( temir), Of(titan), Cr(xrom), Li(litiy), etc.According to the alloy series, ga ajratish mumkin:

Metal aluminum alloy series

Metal aluminum alloy raw materials are divided into

metal aluminum plate alloy
alyuminiy plastinka plitasi
Alyuminiy rulon
Alyuminiy rulon
Alyuminiy folga
Alyuminiy folga
Alyuminiy tasma
Alyuminiy tasma







Aluminum circle disc
Aluminum circle disc
metal aluminum tread sheet
Aluminum tread sheet
metal embossed aluminum
Naqshli alyuminiy
anodlangan alyuminiy
Anodlangan alyuminiy







oyna alyuminiy
Oyna alyuminiy
issiqlik uzatish plitasi
Issiqlik uzatish plitasi
 color aluminum
Rangli alyuminiy












Hot selling metal aluminum alloys

1xxx series metal aluminum alloys

1xxx seriyali:: 1050, 1060, 1070, 1100, 1200, 1235 va boshqalar

3xxx seriyali: 3003, 3004, 3005, 3104, 3105 va boshqalar

5xxx seriyali: 5005, 5052, 5083, 5086, 5454, 5754 va boshqalar

6xxx seriyali: 6061, 6063, 6082 va boshqalar

Hot selling metal aluminum alloys tempers

According to temper, it can be divided into F, O, H, V, T

F temper

Free processing state Applicable to products with no special requirements for work hardening and heat treatment conditions during the molding process, the mechanical properties of the products in this state are not specified.

Ey temp

Annealed state Applicable to the processed products with minimum strength obtained by complete annealing.

H temper

the process-hardening state applies to products with increased strength through process hardening, and the products can undergo (or not) additional heat treatment to reduce the strength after process hardening.

Such as H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, H16, H17, H18, H19, H20, H21, H22, H23, H24, H25, H26, H27, H28, H29, H30, H31, H32, H33, H34, H35, H36, H37, H38, H39, H46, H48, H111, H112, H114, H116, H131, H321 va boshqalar

H temper breakdown

HXX The first digit after state H indicates the basic treatment procedure to obtain that state, quyida bayon qilinganidek: H1 - purely work-hardened treatment state. Applicable to the state in which the required strength is obtained by work-hardening only without additional heat treatment.

H2 - Work-hardened and non-annealed state. It is applicable to the product whose strength is reduced to the specified index by not annealing after the degree of work hardening exceeds the requirements of the finished product. For the natural aging softened alloy at room temperature, H2 and the corresponding H3 have the same smaller ultimate tensile strength value; for other alloys, H2 and the corresponding H1 have the same smaller ultimate tensile strength value, but elongation is slightly higher than H1.

H3 - work-hardened and stabilized state. The H3 state is only applicable to alloys that are gradually age-softened at room temperature (unless stabilized).

H4 - Work-hardened and painted condition. For products that have been working hardened and then lacquered resulting in no annealing.

The second digit after H indicates the degree of work hardening of the product. Raqam 8 indicates the hard state. The sum of the lesser tensile strength of the O condition and the strength difference specified in Table 2 is usually used to specify the lesser tensile strength value of HX8. For states between the O (tavlangan) and HX8 states, a number from 1 uchun 7 should be added to the HX designator, and the number 9 should be added to HX to indicate a superhard state with a greater degree of work hardening than HX8.

W temper

Solid solution heat treatment state An unstable state, only applicable to the alloy after solution heat treatment, natural aging at room temperature, the state code only indicates that the product is in the natural aging stage.

T temper

Heat treatment state (F dan farq qiladi, O, H holati) Applicable to products that have reached stability after heat treatment, bilan (yoki holda) ishning qattiqlashishi. the T designator must be followed by one or more Arabic numerals. The first digit after the T character indicates the basic type of heat treatment (dan 1 uchun 10), and the subsequent digits indicate variations in heat treatment details. For example T0, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, 8-savol, T24, T32, T35, T73, T74, T83, T351, T354, T650, T651, T851, va boshqalar

Surface treatment of metal aluminum alloys

Yuzaki ishlov berish bo'yicha, aluminum alloy sheets can be divided into two categories: non-painted products and painted products.

1) Non-painted products

  1. They can be divided into hammered aluminum sheets (without regular pattern), embossed sheets (with regular pattern), and pre-passivated aluminum oxide surface treatment sheets.
  2. These products are not painted on the surface of the plate, so the appearance of the surface is not high and the price is low.

2) Painted products

(1) Tasniflash.

According to the painting process can be divided into: painted board products and pre-roller coated boards.

According to the type of coating paint can be divided into: poliester, poliuretan, polyamide, modified silicon, epoxy resin, florokarbon, va boshqalar.

(2) A variety of coatings, the main performance difference is the resistance to ultraviolet rays of the sun, which in the front side of the most commonly used coating is fluorocarbon paint (PVDF), its ability to resist ultraviolet light is stronger; back side can choose polyester or epoxy resin coating as a protective paint. Bunga qo'chimcha, a layer of peel-off protective film can be applied to the front side.