Common brushed aluminum

Common brushed aluminum can be divided into brushed aluminum plate, brushed aluminum coil and brushed aluminum foil

Ⅰ: brushed aluminum plate

Ⅰ-а: List of brushed aluminum sheets

Баламалы атау Toothbrush bristle aluminum plate, hairline aluminum plate
түс күміс, алтын, қола, жасыл, баспайтын болат, көк, қызыл, мыс, қара, pink, brass, қола, cycads, күңгірт, т.б.
Types of brushed aluminum sheets Drawing can be made into straight grains, cross grains, random grains, threads, corrugations and swirls according to decorative needs:
қалыңдығы Common thickness: 1мм (жұқа), 6мм, т.б.
бетін өңдеу Anodizing etc.
қолданба Brushed aluminum panels are widely used in brushed aluminum-plastic panels, отқа төзімді панельдер, aluminum frames, boutique cabinets, boutique doors and windows, decorative panels, белгілері, жарықтандыру, indoor and outdoor decoration, тұрмыстық техника, luggage, сыйлықтар, жиһаз, consumer electronics and other fields.

Ⅰ-б:Features of brushed aluminum sheet

1. Good tolerance: whether indoor or outdoor, the long-term use of aluminum wire drawing does not change color, does not corrode, does not oxidize, and does not rust
2. Strong metallic luster: retains the original metallic luster of the brushed aluminum plate, highlighting the modern metallic feel
3.Жақсы өңдеу мүмкіндігі: the aluminum plate has strong decorative wire drawing, moderate hardness, and can be easily bent and formed
4. Strong stain resistance: the brushed aluminum plate leaves no fingerprints, no smudges, тазалау оңай, and no corrosion spots.
5. High fire resistance: The brushed aluminum plate is a pure metal product, which does not burn at a high temperature of 600 градус, does not produce toxic gases, және өртке қарсы және қоршаған ортаны қорғау талаптарына сәйкес келеді.

Ⅰ-c:What are the common alloy types of brushed aluminum sheets?

1××× series pure aluminum plate the commonly used codes of pure aluminum plate series are 1050, 1060 and 1100.The purity can reach more than 99.00%.
2××× series alloy aluminum plate The 2××× series aluminum plate is characterized by high hardness, олардың ішінде бастапқы мыс мөлшері ең жоғары, туралы 3-5%. 2××× series aluminum sheets belong to aviation aluminum materials, which are not often used in conventional industries.
3××× series alloy aluminum plate mainly represent 3003 алюминий пластина, 3004 aluminum plate and 3A21 aluminum plate. Mainly composed of manganese element. It is routinely used in humid environments such as air conditioners, тоңазытқыштар, және автомобиль түбі. The price is higher than that of the 1××× series.
4××× series alloy aluminum plate the representative is 4A01. It belongs to the series with high silicon content. Usually the silicon content is between 4.5-6.0%. It belongs to building materials, механикалық бөлшектер, соғу материалдары, дәнекерлеу материалдары; төмен балқу температурасы, жақсы коррозияға төзімділік.
5××× series alloy aluminum plate білдіреді 5052 алюминий пластина, 5005 алюминий пластина, 5083 алюминий пластина, 5A05 aluminum plate series. Also known as aluminum-magnesium alloy.It is often used in aviation, ұшақ жанармай цистерналары сияқты. Ол кәдімгі өнеркәсіптерде де кеңінен қолданылады.
6××× series alloy aluminum plate 6061 суық өңделген алюминий соғу өнімі болып табылады, which is suitable for applications with high requirements on corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance.

Ⅰ-d:Types of brushed aluminum sheets

Drawing can be made into straight grain, cross grain, random grain, thread, corrugation and spiral pattern according to decorative needs.

Features of brushed aluminum sheet

Ⅱ:Brushed aluminum coil

Brushed aluminum coil specification:

Алюминий қорытпасы AA1100; AA3003
Coil thickness 0.15мм, 0.21мм, 0.30мм, 0.40мм, 0.50мм
Coil width 1240мм, 1270мм, 1520мм,
Диаметрі 405мм, 505мм
Coil weight 2.5 дейін 3.0 tons per coil
Түс Silver & алтын

Brushed aluminum coil

Ⅲ:Brushed aluminum foil

Brushed aluminum foil is a commonly requested aluminum surface. It's versatility makes it a popular choice allowing for custom color, gloss, and texture. Aside from these choices there are also different grain structures to choose from.

Brushed aluminum foil
Brushed aluminum foil

Ⅲ-a: Ерекше өзгешеліктері

  1. Anti-corrosion
  2. Төзімді
  3. Light character and better form ability
  4. Anti scratch with high surface hardness
  5. Finger print resistance and very easy to clean and process
  6. Heat/ Fire resistance
  7. Color rich and colorful
Аты Қорытпа Температура Widthmm Thickness mm
Aluminum foil for flexible packing 8011 1235 О 300--700 0.009~0.05
Colored aluminum alloy foil for cable wrap 8011 О 300--700 0.01--0.015
Aluminum foil for heat preservation and insulation 8011 О 300--700 0.01--0.016
Aluminum foil for adhesive tape 1235 8011 О 400--700 0.03--0.05
colored cooking Aluminum foil 1235 8011 О 300-700 0.015 ~ 0.1
cooking Aluminum afoil for Food stuffs 1235 8011 О 300-700 0.009 ~ 0.02
Aluminum alloy foil for tube 1235 8011 О 300-700 0.009-0.01
Aluminum and aluminum alloy foil for hot seal purpose 8011 О 400--500 0.009--0.018


  1. As HPL,ACP(Aluminum Composite panel),Fireproof board,LED lights.
  2. To make aluminum frame,integrated ceiling,boutique windows & есіктер,Veneered panel
  3. Widely used in making baffle plate,sign board,lighting lamp, decoration materials
  4. Widely used in living things,including household cupboard,Luggage,сыйлықтар,wardrobe,жиһаз,Smoking machine panel,Jewelry box ,photo frame,mobile phone shell,computer panel and so on.

Huawei алюминий бағасы

Күн LME LME апталық бағасы 2023-04 LME орташа 2023-04 SMM орташа
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Бағалар жаңартылады 10:00 жұмыс күндерімін.
2. Біздің өнімдеріміздің бағасы LME ауытқуына сәйкес нақты уақытта өзгереді, Валюта бағамы.
3. Қосымша бағалар үшін, біздің бағалар парағын қараңыз 2022 Алюминий бағасы.