Brief introduction of aircraft grade aluminum

Aircraft-grade aluminum sheet and plate refer to high-quality aluminum materials specifically designed and manufactured for use in the aviation industry. Nyenzo hizi zinajulikana kwa uwiano wao bora wa nguvu kwa uzito, upinzani wa kutu, na uimara, making them suitable for various aircraft components and structures.

Some common characteristics of aircraft-grade aluminum sheet and plate include:

Alloy Selection:

Aircraft-grade aluminum is typically made from specific aluminum alloys that provide the desired combination of strength, lightweight properties, na upinzani wa kutu. The most commonly used alloys include 2024, 6061, 7075, and 7075-T6.

High Strength:

These aluminum alloys are heat-treated to enhance their strength, making them capable of withstanding the stresses and loads experienced during flight. The heat treatment process may involve processes like solution heat treatment and precipitation hardening.


Aluminum is known for its low density, which contributes to reducing the overall weight of an aircraft. Lighter aircraft are more fuel-efficient and have improved performance.

Upinzani wa kutu:

Aircraft-grade aluminum is often treated with protective coatings or anodizing to enhance its corrosion resistance, ensuring that it can withstand the harsh environmental conditions encountered during flight, including exposure to moisture and salt.


These materials are designed to be easily machinable, allowing for precise fabrication of aircraft components and structures.


Aircraft-grade aluminum should also exhibit good toughness properties, which are essential for absorbing impacts and handling dynamic loads during flight.


To meet aviation safety standards, manufacturers of aircraft-grade aluminum sheet and plate often adhere to strict quality control and certification processes. This ensures that the materials meet the necessary specifications and standards for use in aircraft construction.


Aircraft-grade aluminum is used in a wide range of aircraft components, including wings, fuselages, vifaa vya kutua, structural supports, and various interior and exterior components. It is also used in the aerospace and defense industries for similar reasons.

Karatasi ya Alumini ya daraja la ndege

Aircraft Grade Aluminum Sheet/Plate

Sheet vs. Bamba:

In terms of form, aircraft-grade aluminum can be found in both sheet and plate forms. Sheets are typically thinner, while plates are thicker. The choice between sheet and plate depends on the specific application and structural requirements.

Different grades of aviation aluminum sheets are applied to different aircraft components

Wakati huu, aloi ya alumini inayotumiwa katika muundo wa ndege duniani ni ya juu-nguvu 2 mfululizo (2024, 2017, 2A12, na kadhalika.) na ultra-high-nguvu 7 Mfululizo (7075, 7475, 7050, 7A04, na kadhalika.), zaidi ya hayo, kuna 5 Mfululizo (5A06, 5052, 5086, na kadhalika.) na 6 Mfululizo (6061, 6082, na kadhalika.) na idadi ndogo ya mfululizo mwingine wa vifaa vya alumini.

2024 Karatasi ya Aluminium T3:
Hii ndiyo ya kawaida zaidi ya aloi za alumini za nguvu za juu. Ni ya ubora wa juu wa ndege. Karatasi ya alumini ya 2024-T3 inafikiriwa kama aloi ya ndege kwa sababu ya nguvu zake na pia ina upinzani bora wa uchovu.. Kulehemu kwa ujumla haipendekezi. Matumizi ya kawaida ya karatasi ya alumini ya 2024-T3 Alclad ni fuselage na ngozi za mabawa., ng'ombe, miundo ya ndege, na pia kwa ajili ya ukarabati na urejesho kwa sababu ya kumaliza kwake kung'aa (2024-T3 Alclad).

2024 aluminum plate used for fuselage and wing skin

3003 Karatasi ya Alumini ya H14:
Inatumika sana kwa aloi za alumini, alumini safi na manganese iliyoongezwa kwa nguvu, takriban 20% nguvu kuliko 1000 mfululizo(purre aluminium). 3003-Laha ya alumini ya H14 ina uwezo mkubwa wa kufanya kazi na inaweza kuchorwa kwa kina, iliyosokotwa, svetsade, au brazed. 3003 karatasi ya alumini haiwezi kutibika kwa joto. Karatasi hii ya alumini hutumiwa sana kwa ng'ombe na uwekaji wa baffle.

5052 Karatasi ya Alumini ya H32:
Hii ina nguvu ya juu zaidi katika safu ya aloi isiyoweza joto. Sio kimuundo. 5052 karatasi ya alumini ina nguvu ya juu ya uchovu kuliko aloi nyingi. 5052 karatasi ya alumini ina upinzani bora wa kutu, hasa katika matumizi ya baharini na ina uwezo bora wa kufanya kazi. 5052 karatasi ya alumini hutumiwa kwa kawaida kutengeneza matangi ya mafuta.

5083 karatasi ya alumini:
5083 karatasi ya alumini ni ya aloi za alumini za Al-Mg-Si. Yaliyomo yake kuu ni Magnesiamu na Silicon isipokuwa Aluminium. Zaidi 4.0% ya Magnesiamu inawezesha 5083 karatasi za alumini kuwa na upinzani bora wa kusahihisha na ni svetsade kwa urahisi. Kwa kuongeza shaba, 55083 karatasi ya alumini ina 28% Conductivity ya umeme. 5083 karatasi ya alumini pia ina sifa nzuri za kuunda kwa kazi ya moto au baridi. Lakini ugumu unakamilishwa kwa njia ya kufanya kazi kwa baridi tu. Mbali na hilo, ya 5083 karatasi ya alumini ina nguvu nzuri lakini haiwezi kutibika kwa joto.

6061 Karatasi ya Aluminium T6:
Aloi hii ina upinzani mzuri sana wa kutu na uwezo wa kumaliza, kulehemu huenda bila matatizo yoyote pia. Ngazi ya nguvu ya karatasi ya alumini 6061-T6 ni kuhusu ile ya chuma kali. Karatasi ya alumini ya 6061-T6 inaweza kutengenezwa na mbinu nyingi zinazotumiwa. Matumizi ya kawaida ni mikeka ya kutua ya ndege, miili ya lori na muafaka, vipengele vya muundo, na zaidi.

7075 Karatasi ya Aluminium:
Watengenezaji wa ndege hutumia aloi za nguvu za juu (hasa aloi 7075) kuimarisha miundo ya ndege za alumini. Aloi ya alumini 7075 ina Copper (1.6 %), Magnesiamu (2.5 %) na zinki (5.6 %) imeongezwa kwa nguvu ya mwisho, lakini maudhui ya shaba hufanya iwe vigumu sana kulehemu. Kwa upande mwingine, ni anodizes kweli uzuri. 7075 ina machinability bora na itasababisha kumaliza nzuri sana.

Madaraja ya Karatasi ya Aluminium ya Ndege

Madaraja ya Karatasi ya Aluminium ya Ndege

Kuna tofauti gani kati ya alumini ya ndege na alumini ya kawaida?

Aircraft aluminum, also known as aircraft-grade aluminum, and regular aluminum differ primarily in terms of their specific alloy compositions, mali ya mitambo, and manufacturing processes. These differences make aircraft-grade aluminum suitable for aerospace and aviation applications, while regular aluminum is used for a wide range of everyday applications. Here are some key distinctions:

  1. Muundo wa Aloi:
    • Aircraft Aluminum: Aircraft aluminum is made from specific high-strength aluminum alloys that are carefully engineered to meet the rigorous demands of the aviation industry. Common alloys include 2024, 6061, na 7075, among others. These alloys often contain additional elements like copper, zinki, and magnesium to enhance strength, upinzani wa kutu, and other properties.
    • Regular Aluminum: Regular or commercial aluminum typically refers to common alloys like 1100, 3003, na 5052. These alloys are more straightforward in composition and may not have the same level of strength or specialized properties as aircraft-grade alloys.
  2. Strength and Mechanical Properties:
    • Aircraft Aluminum: Aircraft-grade aluminum alloys are chosen for their high tensile strength, kutoa nguvu, and fatigue resistance. They are designed to withstand the stresses and loads experienced during flight.
    • Regular Aluminum: Regular aluminum alloys may have lower strength compared to aircraft-grade alloys, making them suitable for a wide range of non-critical applications but less ideal for high-stress situations.

karatasi ya alumini 7075

Nukuu ya Alumini ya Huawei

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