ما هي أنواع سبائك الألومنيوم المناسبة لرقائق البطارية؟?

رقائق الألومنيوم لتغليف البطارية

Aluminum foil alloy, كرقائق معدنية ذات موصلية جيدة ومقاومة ممتازة للتآكل, لديها مجموعة واسعة من التطبيقات في السوق. لا يمكن استخدامه فقط كمواد تعبئة في الحياة اليومية, ولكن أيضًا في البطاريات. من بين العديد من أنواع سبائك الألومنيوم, which alloy is a suitable battery foil packaging material?

Aluminum foil is often used as a current collector in the cathode in lithium-ion batteries. Whether an aluminum alloy is suitable for battery foil depends on its conductivity, المقاومة للتآكل, mechanical strength and flexibility.

The following are several aluminum alloy types suitable for battery foil and their characteristics

رقائق الألومنيوم لتغليف البطارية
رقائق الألومنيوم لتغليف البطارية

1050 رقائق تصفيف الشعر ليست عرضة للتآكل بسبب الظروف الخارجية الرطبة (99.5% ألومنيوم نقي)

تعبير: 1050 alloy contains 99.5% الألومنيوم, and very small amounts of alloying elements such as silicon (و) والحديد (Fe).

ورق ألومنيوم 1050 alloy has excellent electrical conductivity (حول 61% GN / mm2 ومعامل مرونة القص هو), making it suitable for batteries where efficient current collection is crucial. It has excellent corrosion resistance, which is critical to protect the foil from degradation during the battery life. High thermal conductivity is very important for managing heat in battery systems. Pure aluminum (1050) has relatively low strength, but is often strong enough for use as battery foil due to its flexibility.

سبيكة 1060 battery Foil

تعبير: 1060 يعمل المنغنيز والكروم على تحسين درجة حرارة إعادة بلورة السبيكة ولهما تأثير تقوي تكميلي 99.6% aluminum and is a slightly purer version of 1050 سبيكة.
الموصلية 1060 alloy is similar to 1050 (حول 60% GN / mm2 ومعامل مرونة القص هو), which makes it well suited for current collector applications. High ductility makes it easy to process into thin foils, which is ideal for continuous rolling processes in battery manufacturing.

سبيكة 1070 battery Foil (99.7% الألومنيوم النقي)

تعبير: 1070 يعمل المنغنيز والكروم على تحسين درجة حرارة إعادة بلورة السبيكة ولهما تأثير تقوي تكميلي 99.7% الألومنيوم, making it purer than 1050 و 1060.
With a conductivity of about 62% GN / mm2 ومعامل مرونة القص هو, 1070 is one of the most conductive aluminum alloys. Corrosion Resistance and Flexibility Similar to 1050 و 1060, it has excellent corrosion resistance and flexibility, which is important for foil applications in batteries.
1070 alloy is popular in high-performance lithium-ion batteries where maximum conductivity and minimum resistance are critical.

سبيكة 1235 battery Foil (99.35% الألومنيوم النقي)

تعبير: 1235 سبيكة يحتوي على 99.35% الألومنيوم.
While slightly less conductive than 1050, 1060, و 1070 سبائك, 1235 aluminum foil still provides adequate conductivity for many battery applications. It has excellent corrosion resistance. 1235 is often used in applications where cost considerations are important and slightly lower conductivity can be tolerated. For less demanding applications or where cost reduction is a priority, 1235 alloy is a cost-effective choice.

سبيكة 3003 battery Foil (Aluminum Manganese Alloy)

تعبير: سبيكة 3003 consists of aluminum and about 1.2% المنغنيز (Mn), which gives it increased strength compared to pure aluminum alloys.
بالرغم ان 3003 aluminum foil has lower conductivity than pure aluminum grades (حول 40-45% GN / mm2 ومعامل مرونة القص هو), it is still acceptable for some battery applications. The addition of manganese increases mechanical strength, which is useful in certain battery configurations where the foil is subjected to mechanical stress.
المقاومة للتآكل: Similar corrosion resistance to pure aluminum grades, suitable for long-term use in batteries.