Mahsulot turiga ko'ra, ga ajratish mumkin
- 5083 qotishma metall alyuminiy plastinka plitasi
- 5083 qotishma metall alyuminiy lasan
The characteristics of 5083 metall alyuminiy qotishmasi
5083 alyuminiy qotishmasi anodlangan ishlov berishdan keyin chiroyli sirtga ega. Ark payvandlashning yaxshi ishlashi.
Asosiy qotishma elementi 5083 qotishma magniydir, which has good antirust and corrosion resistance and weldability, yaxshi sovuq ishlov berish qobiliyati, still good plasticity in semi-cold work hardening, low plasticity in cold work hardening, fatigue resistance strength, poor machinability and polishability. As well as medium strength. ning korroziyaga chidamliligi 5083 alloy is widely used in maritime applications, kemalar kabi, as well as automobiles, aircraft welded parts, and subway light rail. It is also used in the manufacture of aircraft fuel tanks, yoqilg'i quvurlari, va transport vositalari va kemalar uchun metall plitalar, asboblar, ko'cha chiroqlari uchun qavslar va perchinlar, apparat mahsulotlari, elektr korpuslari, va boshqalar.
Bunga qo'chimcha, the alloy needs to be strictly fireproof and cannot be strengthened by heat treatment.
chemical composition of 5083 metall alyuminiy qotishmasi
- Va ( Kremniy ): ≤ 0.4
- Cu ( Mis ): ≤ 0.1
- Mg ( Magniy ): 4.0 - 4.9
- Zn ( Sink ): ≤ 0.25
- Mn ( Marganets ): 0.4 - 1.0
- Cr ( Chromium ): 0.05 - 0.25
- Fe ( Temir ): ≤ 0.4
- Of ( Titan ): ≤ 0.15
- Boshqa: ≤ 0.05
- Boshqa jami: ≤ 0.15
- Al ( alyuminiy ): remaining all
The applications of 5083 metall alyuminiy qotishmasi
5083 metal aluminum alloy is an Al Mg Si alloy with a wide range of applications. Especially in the construction industry, it is a promising alloy. Yaxshi korroziyaga chidamlilik, mukammal payvandlash qobiliyati, yaxshi sovuq ishlov berish va o'rtacha quvvat. ning asosiy qotishma elementi 5083 magniy hisoblanadi, yaxshi shakllanish qobiliyatiga ega, korroziyaga qarshilik, payvandlash qobiliyati va o'rtacha quvvat. Xuddi o'sha payt, 5083 also belongs to Al Mn alloy, which is a widely used antirust aluminum. Ushbu qotishma yuqori quvvatga ega, ayniqsa charchoq kuchi: yuqori plastiklik va korroziyaga qarshilik, issiqlik bilan ishlov berish bilan mustahkamlash mumkin emas, yarim sovuq ish qotish paytida yaxshi plastika, sovuq ish qotish paytida past plastisiya, yaxshi korroziyaga qarshilik, yaxshi payvandlash qobiliyati, yomon ishlov berish va polishing.
5083 metal aluminum alloy is mainly used for 5056-h32 aluminum alloy plate manufacturers requiring high plasticity and good weldability, low load parts working in liquid or gas media, pochta qutisi kabi, benzin yoki moylash moyi o'tkazgichi, transport vositalari va kemalarning metall plitalari, asboblar, ko'cha chiroqlari tayanchlari va perchinlar, apparat mahsulotlari, electric shell, va boshqalar
Mainly used for the requirement of high plasticity and good weldability, low load parts working in liquid or gas medium, such as oil tanks, gasoline or lubricating oil conduits, liquid containers and other small load parts made by deep drawing: wire is used to make rivets.
Car trunk is generally also called car trunk, consisting of car rear body frame, and the spare tire cover located in the middle of the rear body frame and the trunk lid at the top. With the development of car lightweighting, the trunk lid as a car opening and closing part module is an important part of car lightweighting, which can be made of 5083 aluminum alloy and 5182 alyuminiy qotishmasi.
Aluminum alloy for car trunk lid
Aluminum alloy for car luggage compartment cover manufacturer, the products of aluminum alloy for car luggage compartment mainly include 5182 alyuminiy plastinka, 5083 qotishma alyuminiy plastinka, and undertake orders of 8-5000 tons of aluminum plate for global export.
Advantages of aluminum alloy for car luggage cover
- Abrasion resistance, korroziyaga qarshilik, good elasticity, good impact resistance
- Small density, reduce the weight of the body, reduce the amount of fuel consumption
- Aluminum recycling value is high, its regeneration performance is higher than any metal, iqtisodiy va atrof-muhit muhofazasi.