What is Anodized aluminum foil?

Anodizing is an electrolytic passivation process used to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts.

The process is called anodizing because the part to be treated forms the anode electrode of an electrolytic cell. Anodising increases resistance to corrosion and wear, and provides better adhesion for paint primers and glues than bare metal does. Anodic films can also be used for several cosmetic effects, either with thick porous coatings that can absorb dyes or with thin transparent coatings that add interference effects to reflected light.

Anodized Aluminum Foil
Anodized Aluminum Foil Product

Anodized aluminum foil features

Anodizing changes the microscopic texture of the surface and the crystal structure of the metal near the surface. Thick coatings are normally porous, so a sealing process is often needed to achieve corrosion resistance. Anodized aluminium surfaces, барои намуна, are harder than aluminium but have low to moderate wear resistance that can be improved with increasing thickness or by applying suitable sealing substances. Anodic films are generally much stronger and more adherent than most types of paint and metal plating, but also more brittle. This makes them less likely to crack and peel from ageing and wear, but more susceptible to cracking from thermal stress.

Anodized aluminium foil As a professional anodized aluminium suppliers, мо сифати боэътимод дорем, нархи оқилона ва расонидани фаврӣ. Мушаххасоти умумӣ дар саҳҳомӣ мавҷуданд. Андозаи махсусро мувофиқи дархостҳои мизоҷон танзим кардан мумкин аст. Лутфан, агар шумо ягон савол дошта бошед, бо мо дар тамос шавед. Мо хурсандем, ки ба шумо хидмат кунем.

Anodized aluminium foil application

Fields of application

Electromagnet construction

Generator construction

Transformer construction

Product advantages

Very resistant to high temperatures

Insulation class C

Weight reduction of around 50% compared to a copper coil with comparable electrical properties

No “hot spots” within the coil due to high heat dissipation; бинобар ин, no additional insulation is necessary

Иқтибосҳои Huawei алюминий

Сана LME Нархи ҳафтаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи SMM
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

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3. Барои нархҳои бештар, лутфан ба саҳифаи нархҳои мо муроҷиат кунед 2022 Нархи алюминий.