Дар байни хамаи серияхо, 1000 series has the most алюминий content, ва тозагии он ба бештар аз он расида метавонад 99.00%. Зеро дар он дигар унсурҳои техникӣ мавҷуд нест, the production process is relatively single and the price is relatively cheap. Ин силсилаи маъмултарин дар саноати анъанавӣ дар айни замон истифода мешавад. Дар айни ҳол, most of the products in circulation in the market are 1050 ва 1060 силсила. Ҳадди ақали таркиби алюминий 1000 series aluminum plate is determined according to the last two Arabic numerals of this series. Барои намуна, ду рақами охири арабии аз 1050 силсила мебошанд 50. Тибқи принсипи номгузории брендҳои байналмилалӣ, маҳсулоте, ки дар боло алюминий доранд 99.5% бояд ихтисос дошта бошад. China's хӯлаи алюминий technical standard (ГБ / t3880-2006) инчунин равшан пешбинй мекунад, ки таркиби алюминий аз 1050 мерасад 99.5%. Ба хамин тарик, the aluminum content of 1060 series aluminum must reach more than 99.6%.

Properties and uses of alloys

The aluminum content of the 1xxx series aluminum alloy is not less than 99.0%, also known as the pure aluminum. Depending on the purity, it can be divided into high purity aluminum and industrial pure aluminum. Aluminum content is not less than 99.85% of aluminum is high-pure aluminum, and the aluminum content is 99.0% ба 99.85% (99.85%) for industrial pure aluminum. The system has a small density, good conductivity, high thermal conductivity, large melting, high light reflection coefficient, and a small amount of heat in the absorption cross-sectional area of ​​the heat. Aluminum can generate a dense and sturdy oxide film in the air to prevent oxygen intrusion and therefore has better resistance. The heat treatment of 1xxx aluminum alloy cannot achieve the enhanced effect, and can only use the cooling hardening method to increase the strength. The pure aluminum strength is low, and only 150 ба 180 MPa is also between 60% ба 80%. As the purity of aluminum is lowered, the strength is improved, ва гузаронандагӣ, муқовимат ба зангзании, and plasticity will be reduced. Бинобар ин, different grades of pure aluminum, their use is also different. High-pure aluminum is mainly used in scientific research, саноати химия, ва ғайра .; Life utensils are only 1050 ва 1035 grades of pure aluminum.

The role of alloying elements and impurities

Оҳан ва кремний: Iron and silicon are the main impurities in the 1xxx tidal alloy, and their content and relative proportion have a large impact on performance. As in the 1A99 alloy ingredient, the iron content increased from 0.001 7% ба 1.0%, and the elongation of the alloy was reduced from 36% ба 14.3%; the silicon content increased from 0.002% ба 0.5%, and the elongation was reduced by 36%. To 24.5%. For the molten casting process, мазмуни нисбии охан ва кремний гуногун аст, and the tendency of the ingot forming crack is also different.

Within the high-pure aluminum, since the iron, the silicon content is very small, silicon can dissolve in the matrix, and the cracks of the ingot tend to be small. Within industrial pure aluminum, when iron and silicon content is about 0.65% ё камтар, the alloy has a maximum crack tendency to control W (Фе)> В (Ва) in this range can prevent crack production. Аммо, iron and silicon content are high, and when it is greater than 0.65%, even if W (Ва)> В (Фе) does not produce cracks.

Мис: Copper is mainly present in a solid solution state in a 1xxx system alloy, and the strength of the alloy is increased.

Магний: Magnesium can be added in the 1xxx liner, and mainly in a solid solution state, its effect is to increase the alloy strength, which has a small effect on the recrystallization temperature.

Марганец, хром: марганец, chromium can significantly increase the recrystallization temperature, but the effect of refining the grains is not large.

Титан, бор: титан, boron is the main metamorphic element in the 1xxx tie, can be finely refined, and the recrystallization temperature and fine grains can be refined. Таъсири титан ба ҳарорати дубора кристаллизатсия ба таркиби оҳан ва кремний вобаста аст. When iron is contained, the effect is reduced, but when the silicon content reaches 0.48% (фраксияи масса), titanium can improve the recrystallization temperature.

Adding elements and impurities have a large effect on the electrical properties of 1xxx aluminum alloys, generally reduced electrical conductivity, of which nickel, мис, оҳан, руҳ, silicon have less electrically conductive properties, and vanadium, хром, марганец, титан. Reduce more. Impurity reduces its conductive properties to decrease in the order of chromium, марганец, ванадий, титан, магний, мис, руҳ, кремний, and iron. Дар Илова, impurity copper and zinc will reduce the resistance, manganese and silicon of aluminum, and iron will also form a crispy phase, affecting the plasticity of 1xxx aluminum alloy.

Аз рӯи намуди маҳсулот, ба он таксим кардан мумкин аст

Мушаххасоти 1 силсилаи алюминийи тоза


Mainly including 1050, 1060, 1070, 1090, 1100, 1200, 1235 ва ғайра


HO мулоим, H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, H16, H17, H18, H19, H20, H21, H22, H23, H24, H25, H26, H27, H28, H29, H30, H31, H32, H33, H34, H35, H36, H37, H38, H39, H46, H111, H112, H114, H116, H131, H321 ва ғайра

Hot selling 1xxx series metal pure aluminum

Алюминийи ибтидоӣ шаклпазирӣ ва коркарди сатҳи хуб дорад, ва муқовимати зангзании он дар байни хӯлаҳои алюминий беҳтарин аст. Чӣ қадаре ки тозагӣ баландтар бошад, қувват камтар аст.

1050, 1070, 1080, 1085, 1100 одатан дар телефонҳои мобилӣ истифода мешаванд. Онҳо танҳо экструдсия карда мешаванд (бе хам кардан). 1050 ва 1100 барои резакунии химиявй истифода бурдан мумкин аст, сатҳи ҳамвор, сатҳи туман, таъсири муқаррарӣ, донаи моддӣ ва таъсири хуби рангкунӣ; 1080 ва 1085 алюминий оина аксаран барои суханони дурахшон ва таъсири туман истифода бурда мешавад, бе моддии аёнй. Як қатор алюминий нисбатан нарм мебошанд, асосан барои қисмҳои ороишӣ ё дохилӣ истифода мешавад.


Decorative materials, pcb material etc

Иқтибосҳои Huawei алюминий

Сана LME Нархи ҳафтаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи SMM
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Нархҳо дар навсозӣ карда мешаванд 10:00 дар рӯзҳои корӣ ҳастам.
2. Нархи маҳсулоти мо дар вақти воқеӣ вобаста ба тағирёбии LME тағир хоҳад ёфт, Қурби пул.
3. Барои нархҳои бештар, лутфан ба саҳифаи нархҳои мо муроҷиат кунед 2022 Нархи алюминий.