Anodized aluminum sheet introduces

The anodic aluminum plate is oxidized and a thin layer of aluminum oxide with a thickness of 5~20 microns is formed on the surface. Хатуу анод ислийн хальс нь 60 ~ 200 микрон хүрч чаддаг.

Аноджуулсан хөнгөн цагаан хавтан нь хатуулаг, элэгдэлд тэсвэртэй байдлыг сайжруулдаг, 250~500 кг/мм2 хүртэл, сайн халуунд тэсвэртэй, хатуу аноджуулсан хальс хайлах цэг 2320К хүртэл, good insulation, breakdown voltage resistance up to 2000V, improve corrosion resistance ω=0.03 NaCl salt spray after thousands of hours without corrosion.

Thin oxide film with a large number of micropores, төрөл бүрийн тосолгооны материалыг шингээх боломжтой, suitable for the manufacture of engine cylinders or other wear-resistant parts; The film has a strong adsorption capacity of micropores and can be colored into various beautiful and gorgeous colors.

Аноджуулсан хөнгөн цагаан хуудас

What are the advantages of anodized aluminum?

The flatness of anodized aluminum sheet The ordinary aluminum sheet is easy has uneven conditions. The anodized aluminum sheet has a great improvement in the production process of the surface, and its production process is more high-quality. Тиймээс, no matter the surface smoothness or flatness is better than the ordinary aluminum sheet.
The appearance of the anodized aluminum sheet We all know very well that the appearance of ordinary aluminum sheets is mostly gray, and the color is very difficult to see. The color of the anodized aluminum sheet is very rich, ганц саарал ч биш. Giving the public more choices, in appearance also give the public more beauty.
Anti-corrosion, элэгдлийн эсрэг Because of the addition of the coating, Энэхүү бүрхүүл нь металыг гадаад ертөнцөөс тусгаарлах хамгаалалтын давхаргын үүрэг гүйцэтгэдэг нь дамжиггүй, so the anodized aluminum sheet has a particularly good anti-rust performance and can extend the service life of the surface metal. Үүний зэрэгцээ, the addition of the coating also makes the surface of the material more wear-resistant.
The use of excellent performance Anodized aluminum sheet not only has excellent performance of bending but also has particularly good processability. It can be made in different sizes according to different needs, so as to avoid waste. Мөн түүний цаг агаарын эсэргүүцэл нь ялангуяа сайн байдаг, no matter in what kind of weather conditions can be used normally, in the face of salt and acid rain can also stand.
Боломжийн үнэ pure metal products, the surface does not have any chemical paint and material, does not burn in 600 degrees heat, not produce toxic gases, meeting fire environmental requirements.
Strong Anti-pollution leave no handprint, no stain marks, easily clean, and not produce the corrosion spots.
High Applicability usage is expensive, програм: metal aluminum ceiling, curtain wall sheet, гал түймрээс урьдчилан сэргийлэх самбар, хөнгөн цагаан хавтан, цахилгаан самбар, ambry panel, furniture panels etc.
High Fire Prevention usage is expensive, програм: metal aluminum ceiling, curtain wall sheet, гал түймрээс урьдчилан сэргийлэх самбар, хөнгөн цагаан хавтан, цахилгаан самбар, ambry panel, furniture panels etc.

What is anodized aluminum used for?

  • the plane's automobile components
  • барилгын чимэглэл
  • машины бүрхүүл
  • чийдэн ба гэрэлтүүлэг
  • electronic consumer products
  • sign

Does anodized aluminum wear out?

Anodized oxidation is permanent because it is actually "grown" from an aluminum-based material. Гэсэн хэдий ч, it can be removed by pickling and can also be worn. Different types of anodic oxidation have different reactions to wear, but they can "wear out". Anodized parts don't break like paint.

Is anodizing aluminum sheet expensive?

The selection of material size is the main factor affecting the cost of anodic alumina components. The larger the size, the larger the surface area, and the higher the materials and facilities needed to make the process successful. Нэмж хэлэхэд, the increase in the number of parts means an increase in labor and time. These two items translate directly into the price of anodized alumina.

Performance Characteristics of Anodized Aluminum Sheet

  1. The good workability: anodic oxidation aluminum sheet has high decorative performance, modest hardness, and can be easily bent and formed. High-speed stamping continuity is convenient for directly processing into products, It does not need to carry out complex surface treatment, greatly shortens the production cycle, and reduces production costs.
  2. Good Weathering: anodic oxidation aluminum sheet with standard thickness oxidation film (3μm) is used in long-term discoloration indoors, with no corrosion, no oxidation, мөн зэв байхгүй. Those with increasing Thick oxidation film (10 μ м) can be used outdoor, and long-term exposure to sunlight with discoloration.
  3. Strong metal Feeling: the anodized aluminum has a high surface hardness, coming to the gem grade, high resistance to scrape, the surface not having paint covers, keeping aluminum metal color, improving the product level and added value.

Anodized aluminum plate process

1. General process flow

General process flow

2. High brightness aluminum product process

Aluminum workpiece → mechanical polishing → degreasing → water washing → neutralization → water washing → chemical or electrochemical polishing → water washing → anodic oxidation → water washing → Deion washing → dyeing or electrolytic coloring → water washing → Deion washing → closed → water washing → mechanical brightness

Anodized Aluminum Plate Processing Technology

(1) The general principle of oxidation film formation of anodic aluminum plate:

The process of anodic oxidation of aluminum plate is that aluminum plate is placed in an electrolyte and alumina film is formed on its surface by electrolysis. The cathode in the device is a material with high chemical stability in the electrolytic solutions, хар тугалга гэх мэт, зэвэрдэггүй ган, хөнгөн цагаан, гэх мэт. The principle of anodic oxidation of aluminum is essentially the principle of hydrolysis. When an electric current is passed through, hydrogen is released at the cathode; At the anode, the precipitated oxygen is not only molecular oxygen but also atomic oxygen (О) and ionic oxygen, which are commonly represented in the reaction. As an anode, aluminum is oxidized by oxygen deposited on it, forming anhydrous alumina film. Not all of the oxygen produced interacts with the aluminum; some of it precipitates in a gaseous form.

(2) Selection of electrolytic solution for anodic aluminum plate oxidation:

The pre anodised aluminium sheet film growth is the electrolyte dissolution of the oxide film. Гэсэн хэдий ч, this does not mean that anodic oxidation can produce oxide films in all dissolved electrolytes, or that the resulting oxide films have the same properties.

(3) Anodized aluminum plate oxidation type:

Anodic oxidation is divided into dc anodic oxidation, AC anodic oxidation, and pulse current anodic oxidation according to the current form. The electrolyte can be divided into sulfuric acid, оксалийн хүчил, хромын хүчил, mixed acid, and sulfonic acid as the main solution of natural coloring anodic oxidation. According to the properties of the film, it can be divided into ordinary film, hard film (thick film), ceramic film, bright modified layer, a semiconductor barrier layer, and another anodic oxidation layer. Common anodic oxidation methods and process conditions of aluminum and aluminum alloys are shown in Table 5. Тэдний дунд, dc sulfuric acid anodic oxidation is the most common application.

(4) Structure and performance of anodic aluminum oxide film:

The anodic oxide film consists of two layers. The porous thick outer layer grows on top of a dense inner layer with dielectric properties called a barrier layer (also known as an active layer). When viewed with an electron microscope, almost all vertical and horizontal surfaces of the film show tubular holes perpendicular to the metal surface that passes through the outer layer of the film to the barrier between the oxide film and the metal interface. The barrier layer consists of anhydrous alumina, which is thin and dense, has high hardness, and prevents current from passing through. The thickness of the barrier layer is about 0.03-0.05μm, нягтлан бодох бүртгэл 0.5%-2.0% of the total film thickness. With each hole as the main axis, the surrounding dense alumina forms a honeycomb hexagonal shape, called the crystal cell. The movie is made up of countless crystalline cells like this. When the electrolyte is sulfuric acid, the sulfate content in the membrane is 13%-17% under normal conditions. The outer layer of the porous oxide film is mainly composed of amorphous alumina and a small amount of hydrated alumina. Нэмж хэлэхэд, it contains electrolyte cations. Most of the excellent properties of the oxide film depend on the thickness and porosity of the porous outer layer, which is closely related to anodic oxidation conditions.

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