1200 aluminum alloy sheet introduction

1200 aluminum plate is the industrial pure aluminum, 可塑性が高い, 耐食性, 電気伝導率と熱伝導率, しかし強度が低い, heat treatment can not be strengthened, machinability is not good.

1200 アルミシート

1200 アルミシート

1200 aluminum sheet plate chemical composition

合金 そして マグネシウム Cr 亜鉛 その他 アル
1200 ≤0.15 ≤0.25 ≤0.05 0.10 - - ≤0.10 ≤0.05 - ≤0.05 99.00

1200 aluminium-sheets

1200 aluminium-sheets

1200 aluminum sheet plate mechanical properties

Tensile strength σb Elongation δ10 Elongation δ5 注記
75~105MPa ≥22% ≥25% Longitudinal mechanical properties of tubes at room temperature

1200 aluminum sheet features

の 1200 aluminum alloy plate is a typical hard aluminum alloy in the aluminum-copper-magnesium series. Its composition is relatively reasonable and its comprehensive performance is better. Many countries produce this alloy, which is the largest amount of duralumin. The characteristics of this alloy are high strength, certain heat resistance, and can be used as working parts below 150°C.

1200 販売用アルミシート

1200 販売用アルミシート

At temperatures above 125°C, the strength of 1200 aluminum alloy is higher than that of 7075 アルミニウム合金. The forming properties are relatively good in the hot state, annealed and newly quenched state and the heat treatment strengthening effect is remarkable, but the heat treatment process requirements are strict. The corrosion resistance is poor, but it can be effectively protected by cladding with pure aluminum; it is easy to produce cracks during welding, but it can be welded or riveted by a special process. Widely used in aircraft structures, リベット, truck hubs, propeller components, and various other structural parts.


日付 LME LME 週間価格 2023-04 LME平均 2023-04 SMM平均
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. 価格は次で更新されます 10:00 平日です.
2. 弊社商品の価格はLMEの変動に応じてリアルタイムに変動します。, 為替レート.
3. さらに詳しい価格については, 価格ページをご覧ください。 2022 アルミニウムの価格.