Aluminum sheet plate for tank type

The aluminum sheet for tanks include storage tank, зарфи сӯзишворӣ, зарфи нафт, gas tank etc

Aluminum sheet plate for tank sale

Aluminum sheet plate for tank sale

The parameters of aluminum sheet plate for tank

  • Хӯлаҳо: 1060, 5052 ва ғайра
  • Табиат: h32 etc

Advantages of using aluminum plate for automobile fuel tanks?

  1. Aluminum alloy is not easy to rust, which can well prevent the dirt generated inside the fuel tank from damaging the fuel system.
  2. Aluminum alloy is lighter than iron, and the same capacity can reduce the total weight of the car.
  3. The aluminum alloy material itself has better extensibility, is not easy to break in a collision, and has higher safety.
  4. The aluminum process technology is more mature, the production process is environmentally friendly, and the service life is long. Ҳамзамон, the aluminum material can be recycled.

Aluminum sheet plate for tank application

Дар солҳоӣ охир, automobile lightweight has been vigorously promoted. With their own advantages, aluminum alloys have become more and more widely used in automobiles. The aluminum alloy fuel tank industry has developed rapidly, constantly occupying the fuel tank market, and has gradually become the leading direction in the development of fuel tank accessories.
aluminum sheet plate for tank

aluminum sheet plate for tank

Aluminum sheet plate for tank car body

Conventional tanker aluminum plate length is generally within 12.5 метр, the width of about 2.2 метр, thickness is generally 5-8mm, a complete tanker body, generally need 4-6 pieces of aluminum plate welded together, of which the tank body, lid, and bulkhead can be made of aluminum plate, одатан 5 ва 6 series of aluminum plate alloy.

The tank body is an important part of the tanker, generally using 5083H111 aluminum plate, дар Илова, some manufacturers use 5454H111 aluminum plate to produce the tank body. Both sides of the tank cover use a 5083-O state aluminum plate, the tank cover need to be bent, the O state is a softer, easy bending process. The partition of the tanker is also made of 5083-O state.

There are mainly two kinds of materials used for the tank car bodies: carbon steel and aluminum plate. Aluminum has been used in heavy-duty freight vehicles for more than 80 сол. By the 1960s, aluminum has been widely used in vehicles. Имрузхо, the use of aluminum alloy to manufacture oil tank cars has become a trend, and the market demand for aluminum plates is increasing year by year.

5754 aluminum alloy is a kind of material for making tank cars. 5754 medium and thick plate produced by Huawei aluminum have the characteristics of medium strength, муқовимати хуб ба зангзании, кафшершаванда ва осон коркарду шакл додан. It is a typical alloy in Al-Mg alloys.

Using 5754 aluminum plate to make tank car has many advantages

  1. The car body is lightweight, more economical and practical, with low aluminum alloy density and high strength;
  2. Strong corrosion resistance and long service life;
  3. Қобилияти хуб, қувваи баланд, improve safety and eliminate hidden dangers;
  4. Aluminum alloy can be recycled, иктисодиёт ва мухофизати мухити зист.

5083 aluminum sheet plate for LNG storage tank

5083 aluminum plate has the advantages of good corrosion resistance, кафшери аъло, better cold workability and medium strength, which can be used in pressure vessels that require strict fire protection, such as oil tankers, Зарфҳои нигоҳдории LNG, powder tankers, ва ғайра. Liquefied natural gas, referred to as LNG, is usually stored at -161.5℃, 0.1MPa or so in low-temperature storage tanks, requiring tanks with low temperature resistance and good seismic effect, ва 5083 aluminum plate meets the requirements of lng storage tanks for material performance.

Хусусиятҳои механикии 5083 aluminum plate for LNG storage tanks

  • Tensile strength σb (МПа): 110-136
  • Elongation δ10 (%): ≥20
  • Annealing temperature: 415℃
  • Yield strength σs (МПа) ≥110

5083 aluminum sheet has several different states with differences in its properties. Aluminum sheet manufacturer-Huawei Aluminum can customize 5083 aluminum sheet with different states and specifications, thickness 0.5-500mm, бараш 20-2650мм, дарозии 500-16000мм, through alloy composition determination, melting and casting process optimization, homogenization heat treatment and rolling process test, the product has excellent performance and good use effect.
5083 aluminum plate for LNG storage tanks

5083 aluminum plate for LNG storage tanks

5a06 aluminum sheet for liquid tanker

Aluminum alloy is one of the common materials used in the manufacture of tank cars, its density is much smaller than steel, but the yield strength, tensile strength and other physical properties are not weaker than steel. At this stage, all walks of life promote energy saving and emission reduction, aluminum alloy as a lightweight material, in the field of tanker manufacturing more and more use, including 5a06 aluminum plate.

5A06 лавҳаи алюминий

5A06 лавҳаи алюминий

5a06 aluminum plate for liquid tanker introduction

5A06 aluminum plate belongs to the Al-Mg system rustproof aluminum, кувваи баланд дорад, corrosion and extensibility, plasticity is still good in the annealed and extruded state, the weld tightness and weld plasticity with argon arc welding is still possible, gas welding and spot welding the strength of the welded joint is 90-95% of the strength of the substrate, коркарди хуб.

5a06 aluminum sheet chemical composition

Хӯла Ва Фе Cu Мн Mg Cr Зн Аз Дар Дигарон Ал
1200 ≤0,40 ≤0,10 ≤0,10 0.5-0.8 5.8-6.8 - ≤0.20 0.02-0.10 - ≤0,05 Residual

5a06 aluminum plate for tanker manufacturing advantage introduction

  • Қувваи баланд, муқовимати хуб ба зангзании, and weldable performance.
  • Вазни сабук, reduced dead weight, in line with the development of lightweight needs.
  • Energy-saving and emission reduction, protect the environment.

5086 aluminum plate for pressure vessels

The pressure vessel is the collective name of the closed equipment that can carry a certain pressure. Pressure vessels are used in industrial, civil, military and other fields, mainly used to hold liquids and gases.

Афзалиятхои 5086 aluminum plate for pressure vessel

1、5086 лавхаи алюминии тааллук дорад 5 силсилаи лавҳаи алюминий, which is a typical rust-proof aluminum plate with high corrosion resistance, кафшери хуб ва кувваи миёна.

2、The mechanical properties, хосиятҳои физикӣ, process properties, and compatibility with media of 5086 aluminum plate are in line with the pressure vessel material standards.

3、5086 aluminum plate is light in mass, қувваи миёна, able to withstand a certain pressure, and good safety performance.

4、Дар муқоиса бо дигар маводҳо, aluminum plate can be recycled and has high recycling value.

5086 плитаи алюминий

5086 плитаи алюминий

Иқтибосҳои Huawei алюминий

Сана LME Нархи ҳафтаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи SMM
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Нархҳо дар навсозӣ карда мешаванд 10:00 дар рӯзҳои корӣ ҳастам.
2. Нархи маҳсулоти мо дар вақти воқеӣ вобаста ба тағирёбии LME тағир хоҳад ёфт, Қурби пул.
3. Барои нархҳои бештар, лутфан ба саҳифаи нархҳои мо муроҷиат кунед 2022 Нархи алюминий.