толин тусгал өнгөлгөөний хөнгөн цагаан ороомог гэж юу вэ?

Толин тусгал хөнгөн цагаан ороомог нь календаржуулсан хөнгөн цагаан ороомог юм, өнгөлсөн хөнгөн цагаан ороомог толин тусгал нөлөө. Өндөр цэвэршилттэй хөнгөн цагаан бэлдэц ашиглах, өндөр нарийвчлалтай төхөөрөмжтэй хослуулсан, толин тусгал хөнгөн цагаан гадаргууг толин тусгал мэт гөлгөр болгож чадна, нимгэн шугамууд, өндөр тусгал, мөн толин тусгал хөнгөн цагааны бүх төрлийн шаардлагыг хангаж чадна. We have the technical capability to process mirror aluminum into all hard, хагас хатуу, and soft states. It can be cut and leveled according to the width and length required by users.

Давуу тал:

  • Stable price and cost saving
  • High reflectivity and energy saving
  • Light in quality and easy to form
  • The surface is hard and hard to scratch
  • Direct processing without pretreatment

application and Package:


Гэрэлтүүлэг, дотоод засал чимэглэл, гэр ахуйн цахилгаан хэрэгсэл, electronic products, автомашины дотор болон гадна засал чимэглэл, тэмдэг, сурталчилгааны самбар, уут, cosmetics packaging and other fields.

Application of mirror aluminum coil
Packaging of Mirror Aluminum Coils Багц:

⑴ Generally divided into vertical and horizontal packaging. Horizontal packing is more common.

⑵ When a horizontal aluminum coil is loaded into cabinets, it is generally laid in a single layer.

(If stacking is required, the customer's consent should be sought first, because the aluminum coil on the upper layer will be removed from the wooden bracket)

⑶ Aluminum belt for vertical packaging. Vertical packing is more expensive than horizontal packing.

Specifications of mirror aluminum coil

Mirror aluminum coil general specifications: 0.3мм, 0.4мм, 0.5мм, 0.6мм, 0.8mm and 1mm thick mirror aluminum coil belongs to the general stock specifications, width of 1m or 1.25m. We can cut all kinds of aluminum strips according to the width required by users, and also can provide flat aluminum plates of fixed length.

We can provide h18 hard mirror aluminum coil, H24 curved semi-hard mirror aluminum plate, H0 lamp shade deep mirror aluminum coil.

Specular aluminum coils are available in widths ranging from 200mm to 2000mm. Specifications are available according to user's inner and outer diameters. Provide domestic mirror aluminum coil (hot rolled and cast rolled mirror aluminum coil, hot rolled mirror aluminum coil subsequent oxidation) and imported mirror aluminum coil (өндөр тусгал, high price). Can provide mirror aluminum coil open, огтлох, товойлгох.

Processing technology of mirror aluminum coil

Polishing mirror : common alloy 1050/1060, thickness 0.3-0.6mm, reflectivity 75%-80%, mostly used for interior decoration or lamp manufacturing.
Anodized mirror: common alloy 1085, зузаан 0.2-1.0мм, reflectivity is greater than 86%, mostly used for external wall engineering, гэх мэт., цаг агаарын сайн эсэргүүцэл.
The former is cheap, while the latter is expensive.