
アルミニウム板の陽極酸化, アルミナ薄膜の表面形成, その厚さは 5 ~ 20 ミクロン, 硬質陽極酸化皮膜まで 60 ~ 200 ミクロン. 陽極酸化アルミニウムシート, 硬度と耐摩耗性を向上させます, まで 250 ~ 500 kg/m2, 良好な耐熱性, 硬質陽極酸化皮膜の融点は2320Kまで, 優れた断熱性, breakdown resistance voltage up to 2000V, enhance the corrosion resistance, in the ohm =0.03NaCl salt spray after thousands of hours not corrosion.Oxide film thin layer has a large number of micro holes, can absorb a variety of lubricants, suitable for manufacturing engine cylinder or other wear resistant parts;Membrane microporous adsorption ability can be colored into a variety of beautiful beautiful colors.Nonferrous metals or their alloys (アルミニウムなどの, マグネシウムおよびその合金) 陽極酸化することができます.


Extruded materials, used in the manufacture of welded structures with high strength and fracture toughness, such as trusses, rods and containers of transport vehicles;Large heat exchangers and parts that cannot be solid fused after welding;It can also be used to make sports equipment such as tennis rackets and softball bats.

Refrigerated containers, cryogenic instruments and storage tanks, 消火用圧力設備, 軍事装備, and loading deck equipment

Used to forge parts with the same static strength as the alloy but requiring high stress corrosion cracking resistance, such as aircraft and parts - landing gear hydraulic cylinders and extrusions.The fatigue property of the parts is roughly equal to that of the 6 合金, but the toughness is slightly higher

Aircraft structural parts with plate, 押し出し, free forging and die forging.The requirements for the manufacture of such parts are: high resistance to spalling corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, fracture toughness and fatigue resistance

Air conditioner aluminum foil and ultra-thin strip;Coating layer of 3003, 6061 そして 7178 alloy plate and pipe

Used for manufacturing aircraft structures and other high-stress structures with high strength and corrosion resistance

Used for forging high strength structures for aviation equipment.The material has good comprehensive properties, such as high strength, anti-spalling corrosion and stress corrosion cracking, fracture toughness and fatigue strength

7178 for the manufacture of aerospace spacecraft parts requiring high compressive yield strength

Aluminized and unaluminized plates, wing frames, 桁, 等. Used in airframe.Other parts with high strength and fracture toughness

Aircraft skin, ネジ, and stressed components such as girder girder, frame, wing rib, 着陸装置, 等