

私. technical indicators:

Serial number test items test requirements
1 Supplier's test report 化学組成, 抗張力, 伸長, 等. shall conform to relevant provisions of GB / t3880
2 T bend 2T does not crack and has no obvious deformation
3 Size deviation 厚さ / mm ± 0.01mm
幅 / mm + 1mm


Ⅱ. Board effect requirements:

1. The surface of the strip shall be well processed, uniform, flat and smooth.
2. The surface of the strip is not allowed to have obvious stripes, stripes, waves, pressure pits, yellow spots, oil stains, 腐食, pressure marks, creases, 傷, burrs, pressure leaks, アルミニウム粉末, patterns, metal or non-metal pressing. 一種の
3. Uneven thickness of strip is not allowed.

4. No joint is allowed for the strip.


Ⅲ. appearance requirements:
1. The strip shall be tightly and completely rolled, without crack edge, thorn edge, bump and bruise. 2. No bird's nest or collapse is allowed.

Ⅳ. explanation of main product terms:

Defect name Explain
Size deviation Dimension deviation refers to the allowable deviation range of actual boundary dimension of non-ferrous metal processing products.
Uneven thickness Uneven thickness refers to the uneven thickness of cross section and vertical section of plate, ストリップとホイル.
wave Wave refers to the wave shaped bending of the board, strip and foil along the length direction, which makes the surface lose straightness There are unilateral and bilateral waves, and there are also waves in the middle of the surface, which are usually in two ways: continuous waves and discontinuous waves.
Crack edge Crack edge refers to continuous or intermittent cracks with different sizes on the edge. In severe cases, it is in the form of teeth or discontinuous triangle.
Cross striation The striation refers to the fine or coarse striation on the surface along the vertical rolling direction, like the washing board, intermittent or circumferential
Stage sex, serious is to touch with the hand has obvious feeling.
Scratch refers to the irregular longitudinal and transverse scars on the surface of aluminum due to mechanical damage.
Crease Creasing refers to the local irregular creasing on the surface of aluminum.
Oil stain (yellow spot, oil stain) Oil stain refers to the spot, strip and sheet formed on the surface of aluminum material after drying due to the presence of oil or oil substances
Continuous or discontinuous traces of oil film, called yellow spots.
Skin needling Burr refers to the sharp and thin prick on the end (part) or surface of aluminum material.
Pressure pit (concave convex point) Indentation refers to the appearance of different shapes, サイズ, regular or irregular groups or local distribution on the surface of aluminum
A punctate depression or projection of.
腐食 Corrosion refers to the local corrosion phenomenon caused by chemical and electrochemical action between aluminum surface and external corrosive medium,
The corrosion products with different colors are formed on the surface, which are spot, block and flake, commonly known as "surface oxidation".
Decorative pattern Pattern refers to the regular pattern on the surface of aluminum during rolling, which makes the surface uneven seriously.
Metal or non-metal press in The pressed object refers to the irregular distribution of metal or non-metal spoils which are obviously embedded on the aluminum surface and have nothing to do with the aluminum,
There is a certain depth of pit on the surface after repair and scraping.
鳥の巣 It refers to the local "V" shape on the end face of the aluminum material, which is caused by the uneven coiling or the loose and staggered coiling.
Aluminum powder Aluminum powder refers to the small granular aluminum chips on the surface of the board which are easy to be wiped by a cloth.