6063 陽極酸化アルミニウムの概要

6063 陽極酸化アルミニウム合金は、その押出成形性により、窓枠から橋梁まで建設業界で広く使用されています。, 耐食性と引張強度. 陽極酸化処理された部品はドア内で見つけやすい, バスルームのアクセサリーや, もちろん, 屋根, 窓, 建物の内外装仕上げ.

Anodizing Process of 6063 アルミニウム

But what is anodized aluminum? In a few words, anodizing is a process used to increase the oxide layer on the surface of aluminum. それから, a hard, wear-resistant protective layer is created. Let's explain the process in more detail:

Anodizing is an electrolytic process, つまり. it uses electrical current to produce electrolytic reactions, including anodic oxidation and cathodic reduction. It is at this point that the aluminum anode is almost completely covered by the aluminum oxide film.

During anodization, the thickness of the surface oxide layer increases. Its structure and characteristics can be modified according to the following changes:

  • Properties of Electrolytes
  • its composition
  • its temperature
  • Healing period
  • voltage used

The process of adnized

The process of adnized

6063 VS 6061

Two common variants of 6000 series aluminum alloys are 6061 and 6063.Both of them are widely used, but what is the specific difference?

化学組成 In terms of Mg and SI, 6061 は 30-50% より多い 6063. The most direct effect is that 6061 has a greater strengthening effect than 6063.
機械的性質 The strengthening effect of 6061 heat treatment is greater. 対照的に, the higher the tensile strength, the greater the deformation resistance, so the plasticity of the 6061 alloy is lower than 6063.
Plasticity 6061-T6 is used in occasions that require certain strength and hardness. 6063 is a representative alloy for extrusion with good extrudability.
Other Aspects 表面処理: 両方 6061 そして 6063 anodizing properties are very good. 6063 aluminum is better.

Machinability: Both are good. 6061 is better.

In a few words,6061 aluminum offers higher strength and workability than 6063 アルミニウム, しかし 6063 has better extrudability.

Packaging of 6063 合金陽極酸化アルミニウム

6063 陽極酸化アルミニウムの概要


日付 LME LME 週間価格 2023-04 LME平均 2023-04 SMM平均
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. 価格は次で更新されます 10:00 平日です.
2. 弊社商品の価格はLMEの変動に応じてリアルタイムに変動します。, 為替レート.
3. さらに詳しい価格については, 価格ページをご覧ください。 2022 アルミニウムの価格.