Deep-drawn aluminum plate is also called a stamped aluminum plate, teshilgan alyuminiy plastinka, to products, have 1xxx, 3xxx, 8xxx series aluminum alloy plate, more common 3104 alyuminiy plastinka.
Shtamplash alyuminiy plastinka plitasi
Huawei Aluminum deep-drawn aluminum plate has excellent performance, kuchli plastika, chiroyli ko'rinish, no impurities, and the thickness is thinner up to 0.02mm, which is popular in the market.
Kirish 3104 aluminum plate for deep drawing
3104 alyuminiy plastinkaga tegishli 3000 series aluminum-manganese alloy, also known as deformed aluminum alloy, has two outstanding features: yuqori kuchlanish kuchi, greater than or equal to 275MPA, elongation up to 20%; has good deep-drawn performance, suitable for thinning stretching lightweight to reduce the amount of material.
Bozorda, 3104 aluminum plate is usually used for can material, lamp head material, shutter material, oxidation material, color coated aluminum plate base, avtomobil yonilg'i baklari, saqlash qurilmalari, va boshqalar.