What are the classifications of aluminum tread plate manufacturers

What are the classifications of alyuminiy protektor plitasi manufacturers?

I. According to the difference of the pattern aluminum plate alloy, ga ajratish mumkin:

1. General aluminum alloy pattern plate: Aluminum alloy pattern plate processed with 1060 aluminum plate as the base can adapt to the usual environment and the price is low. Umuman, this pattern aluminum plate is used in cold storage, zamin va tashqi qadoqlash.

2. Aluminium alloy patterned plate: bilan qayta ishlanadi 3003 as the main material. Ushbu turdagi alyuminiy plastinka zangga chidamli alyuminiy plastinka deb ham ataladi. Its strength is slightly higher than that of ordinary aluminum alloy patterned plate. It can't reach the 5000 series of patterned plates, so this product is used in the less demanding rust prevention, such as truck models and cold storage flooring.

3. Alyuminiy-magniyli qotishma naqshli plastinka: U yasalgan 5000 kabi seriyali alyuminiy plitalar 5052 va 5083, and has excellent milk corrosion, qattiqlik, and rust prevention functions. Generally used in particularly local areas, such as ships and cabin lights in humid environments. This type of aluminum plate has high hardness and must have a certain load-bearing ability.

Ikkinchi, according to the different patterns of aluminum plate

1. Five-stripe aluminum alloy pattern plate: Five-stripe non-slip aluminum plate has become willow-shaped pattern plate and aluminum alloy pattern plate. Has outstanding anti-skid ability, and is widely used in construction (qavat) channel planning and other aspects. As the pattern on the outer surface of the aluminum plate is placed in parallel with five high and low patterns, va har bir naqsh burchakka ega 60-80 boshqa naqshlar bilan darajalar, bu naqsh mukammal piyodalarga chidamli funktsiyaga ega. This kind of aluminum plate is generally used in China as a non-slip, which has an excellent anti-slip effect, and the price is increased.

2. Kompas alyuminiy qotishma naqshli plastinka: sirpanmaydigan alyuminiy plastinka, which plays the same role as the five ribs, lekin u tez-tez ishlatilmaydi.

3. Orange peel aluminum alloy pattern plate is divided into: classic orange peel pattern aluminum plate, variant orange peel pattern aluminum plate (also known as bug pattern). Its appearance is similar to the orange peel pattern, shuning uchun uni apelsin qobig'i naqshli alyuminiy plastinka deb ham atash mumkin. It is a series of patterns commonly used in refrigerators, konditsionerlar va qadoqlash.

4. Lentikulyar naqshli alyuminiy plastinka toymasin alyuminiy plastinkaning tez-tez ishlatiladigan uslubidir, which has outstanding anti-slip effect. It is mainly used in cars, channels, skids in cold storage, skids in workshops, va liftlarda sirpanishlar.

5. Spherical patterned aluminum sheet can also be called semi-spherical patterned aluminum sheet. The appearance shows a small spherical pattern, like small pearls, so this aluminum sheet can be turned into a pearl-shaped aluminum sheet. Primarily used in outer packaging. The appearance of the contrast is beautiful. Maxsus naqsh tufayli, bu alyuminiy plastinkaning kuchi boshqa naqshli seriyalarga qaraganda ancha yuqori.

6. Boshqa alyuminiy plastinka naqshli materiallar: wavy pattern material, water ripple aluminum pattern plate, gofrirovka qilingan naqshli alyuminiy plastinka (can be turned into aluminum tile), rattan naqshli alyuminiy plastinka, three-dimensional triangle aluminum pattern plate, tasma naqshli alyuminiy plastinka, Cobblestone aluminum pattern plate, pattern aluminum pattern plate, triangle strip pattern aluminum plate, butterfly pattern aluminum plate and so on.

7, diamond-shaped aluminum alloy pattern plate: packaging pipes may be commonly used in outer packaging.