Kitchen aluminum foil

Kitchen aluminum foil is usually used to carry food (alyuminiy folga qog'oz plitalari kabi). Grilda pishirganda, u loviya nihollarini o'rash uchun ishlatiladi, kartoshka, Shirin kartoshkalar, va boshqalar. ularning yonishini oldini olish uchun. Ba'zi odamlar sho'rvadagi yog'ni so'rish uchun alyuminiy folga ham ishlatishadi.

Kitchen aluminum foil

Kitchen aluminum foil

Easy to clean

Lay a layer of aluminum foil on the kitchen counter to avoid oil stains directly on the counter and difficult to clean

kitchen aluminum foil for food

  1. Environmental protection is very common to hold food in an aluminum foil paper tray. Although aluminum foil paper tray is disposable tableware, uning tarkibi alyuminiydir, bu tabiatga kamroq zarar keltiradi.
  2. BarbecueSome foods (shirin kartoshka kabi, qo'ziqorin, va boshqalar.) yonib ketmaslik uchun alyuminiy folga bilan o'ralgan bo'lishi kerak. Dengiz mahsulotlarini tayyorlash uchun alyuminiy folga bilan o'ralgan, qo'ziqorinlar, sabzavotlar, va boshqalar., yangi ta'mini saqlab qolishi mumkin.
  3. Oil AbsorptionTurn the aluminum foil into a ball and open it to absorb the oil in the soup. The principle is to create the surface tension of aluminum foil paper.

cooking aluminum foil

cooking aluminum foil

kitchen aluminium foil for kitchen cabinets

  1. Convenient cleaning in the future we all know that one of the main uses of aluminum foil paper is to wrap food for barbecue cooking. Aluminum foil paper can be used to make many foods, such as grilled fish, grilled eggplants, enoki mushrooms, and various seafood. The advantage is that it not only keeps the food delicious but also prevents oil from getting on the oven. It can be seen that we can know that aluminum foil paper has the effect of blocking oil stains, so we put a layer of aluminum foil paper on the bottom and compartment of the cabinet, and usually put some seasonings, soy sauce, cooking oil, va boshqalar. in the cabinet, even if not Spread it out carefully, it is also very easy to clean up, to prevent soil from eroding the cabinet body, and to extend the life of the cabinet. Tozalashda, you only need to replace the aluminum foil paper, and the cabinet is still as clean as new.
  2. Avoid water vapor erosionAluminum foil paper not only has the effect of resisting oil stains, but also it can effectively isolate water vapor. We all know that cabinets are made of wooden boards, and wood boards are most afraid of water vapor. If the cabinet is exposed to water vapor for a long time, the cabinet board is prone to mold and warp, causing the skin to fall off. It can effectively isolate the water vapor under the water tank and play a certain water-sealing effect.
  3. Prevent water leakage to prevent the leakage of water pipes in time, the bottom of the cabinet can be easily soaked, moldy, or even rotten, so that the kitchen is not easy to clean, and it will cause bacteria and ants to breed.
  4. Avoid scratching the cabinets cabinet is always a wooden board. After using it for a long time, the wooden board is easily covered with scratches. After coating with aluminum foil at this time, it is equivalent to forming a protective film. Filming on the surface of the mobile phone is also a principle. Even your cabinet After decades of use, the cabinets are still new.

Heat Resistant Self Adhesive Fireproof & Waterproof Insulation self-adhesive backed aluminum foil

1. Good weather resistance.

2. Good low-temperature resistance.

3. Maintaining excellent initial tack and adhesion under low temperature.

Suitable for bonding operation under low temperature.

kitchen sticker aluminum foil

kitchen sticker aluminum foil