Know more about aluminum strip 8011

a nima 8011 alyuminiy tasma?

8011 aluminum strip is the product of aluminum coil and aluminum plate after slitting by slitting machine. It is mainly reflected in the width. Usually the width of aluminum strip does not exceed 800mm. The product is widely used in hardware and electrical appliances, lighting manufacturing, transformers and other industries.

ning tasnifi 8011 alyuminiy tasma

The types of aluminum alloy strips are: pure aluminum strips, transformer aluminum strips, super-hard aluminum strips, all-soft aluminum strips, semi-rigid aluminum strips, and rust-proof aluminum strips,aluminum strips for high-frequency welding hollow aluminum strips, aluminum strips for fin radiators, aluminum strips for cables, aluminum strips for stamping, and aluminum edge strips. Alyuminiy chiziqlar, va boshqalar.

8011 qotishma alyuminiy tasma chemical element

Qotishma Va Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Of Boshqalar
Tarkib 0.5-0.9 0.6-1.0 0.10 0.2 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.08 0.05

8011 qotishma alyuminiy tasma

The alloy grades of commonly used aluminum strips are 1050, 1060, 1070, 1100, 3003, 3004, 5005, 5052, 8011 va hokazo. Common states are O-state and H-state. O indicates a soft state, and H indicates a hard state. After O and H, you can use numbers to indicate the degree of softness and hardness, and the degree of annealing.

Excellent characteristics of 8011 alyuminiy tasma

The weight and strength of 8011 aluminum strip are not high, but it can be doubled by cold working, and then adding alloying elements and further strengthening after heat treatment, its strength is comparable to that of alloy steel. 8011 aluminum strip has low density and easy processing, and can be cast by any casting method.

8011 aluminum strip supplier&factory

8011 alyuminiy lenta sotiladi

Where to find a aluminum strip supplier? We provide you a wide range of aluminum strip 8011.We have reliable quality, o'rtacha narxlar va tezkor yetkazib berish. Umumiy texnik xususiyatlar stokda mavjud. Maxsus o'lchamlar mijozlarning so'rovlariga ko'ra moslashtirilishi mumkin. Agar sizda biron bir savol bo'lsa, biz bilan bog'laning. Biz sizga xizmat qilishdan mamnun bo'lamiz..