Huawei alyuminiy: Established and Trusted Aluminum Foil Manufacturer Serving Industrial and Commercial Markets
What is Aluminum foil for tape?
Alyuminiy folga lentasi, bilan 1235 alyuminiy folga, 8011 aluminum foil as the base material, yuqori sifatli bosimga sezgir yopishtiruvchi vositadan foydalanish, yaxshi yopishish, kuchli yopishish, anti-aging and other effects.Insulation performance is greatly improved.
Specifications are available in (0.05mm-0.08mm) various widths and lengths. Barcha alyuminiy folga kompozit materiallar tikuv pastasi bilan alyuminiy folga lenta, insulation nail puncture at the seal and the repair of broken places.
Lenta uchun alyuminiy folga
Sovutgich va muzlatgichlar ishlab chiqaruvchi zavodlar uchun asosiy xom ashyo va yordamchi materialdir, va shuningdek, izolyatsiya materiallarini taqsimlash bo'limi uchun zarur xom ashyo hisoblanadi.
Sovutgichlarda keng qo'llaniladi, air wither, avtomobil, neft-kimyo, ko'prik, hotel, elektronika va boshqa sanoat tarmoqlari.
Parameters of aluminum foil for tape
- Qotishmalar: 1235, 8011 va boshqalar
- Templar: yumshoq OR ( h0 ) va boshqalar
Applications of aluminum foil for tape
alyuminiy folga lentasi
Aluminum foil tape structure.
- with high quality aluminum foil (Mingtai products) coated with acrylic adhesive, by anti-adhesive paper compounded from the roll-shaped tape, strong adhesive force, good temperature resistance, not easy to aging. Used for air conditioners, freezers and other refrigeration equipment evaporator tube fixed role.
- Cooperate with glass wool pad pressure compound, used for the insulation of automobile heat insulation pad.
Characteristics of aluminum foil tape.
The advantages of aluminum foil tape are good adhesiveness, kuchli yopishish, anti-aging, va boshqalar. It is used as maintenance and wrapping of pipes of refrigerators and some electrical appliances. It has a long service life and can be used for a long time without replacement.
As can be seen from the application structure, the packaging industry is the largest industry in which aluminum foil tape is used. It is widely distributed in various fields of the packaging industry, such as paper products, printing and decoration, plastics, va boshqalar.
Xuddi o'sha payt, with the development of the aluminum foil tape industry, it also improves the quality and grade of packaging products and promotes the development of the packaging industry.
It is applicable to all kinds of transformers, mobil telefonlar, kompyuterlar, PDAlar, PDP, LED displeylari, noutbuklar, nusxa ko'chirish mashinalari va elektromagnit ekranlash talab qilinadigan boshqa elektron mahsulotlar.