aluminium heat transfer plates for UFH underfloor heating spreader

Heat Transfer Plates For Underfloor Heating

Heat Transfer Plates For Underfloor Heating offer an efficient method of distributing radiant heat from PEX tubing. Omega shape offers more contact with tubing than U-shaped plates and has a better heat transfer.Increase Radiant Floor Heating System's efficiency and response time.

One of the most efficient ways to heat a metal-aluminum floor with a three-way dispersion board is to transfer even heat to the wood floor - the underside of the floor.

UFH underfloor heating spreader

UFH underfloor heating spreader

Like most metals, aluminum is an excellent heat conductor, effectively transferring heat to the bottom of the floor.

At room temperature of 20°C, the aluminum floor heated clover diffuser will provide UFH with a heat output of 77 watts per square meter. The surface temperature is 27°C. Any change in these temperatures will change the heat output of the floor heating system (/-).

As a professional manufacturer of aluminum product, we can provide you Heat Transfer Plates For Underfloor Heating with reliable quality, o'rtacha narxlar va tezkor yetkazib berish. Umumiy texnik xususiyatlar stokda mavjud. Maxsus o'lchamlar mijozlarning so'rovlariga ko'ra moslashtirilishi mumkin. Agar sizda biron bir savol bo'lsa, biz bilan bog'laning. Biz sizga xizmat qilishdan mamnun bo'lamiz..