What is aluminum tread plate?
Aluminum tread plate is a type of aluminum rolled sheet. It has a raised diamond or linear pattern on one side and is smooth on the other side.Aluminum Tread Plate is also known as diamond plate or checker plate.Due to its unique texture, Aluminum Tread Plate is often used to make walkways and ramps, sirpanish sodir bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan joylarda. Bundan tashqari, u dekorativ maqsadlarda juda keng qo'llaniladi.
Diamond aluminum tread plate description
As aluminium plates are easy to clean and anti-slip, it lends them well to being used for flooring, stairs and walkways in industrial settings and transportation. They are also popular for cladding and protecting walls, where their decorative panel stands out.
Alyuminiy protsessor plitasining parametrlari
Ekvivalent nom | olmos alyuminiy plitalari, alyuminiy katakchali varaq ( shashka plitasi ), alyuminiy katakchalar ( chekka plitasi, shashka plitasi ) |
Qotishmalar | 1050, 1100, 3003, 3103, 5052, 5083, 5754, 6061, 6082 va boshqalar |
Tekstura | bitta bar, ikki bar, uchta bar, besh bar va boshqalar |
Hajmi | 1m*2m, 4x8 foot ( 4fut x 8 fut ), 2500×1250 etc |
Alyuminiy protsessor plastinkasining qalinligi 0,8-7,0 mm, kengligi 100 mm dan 2600 mm gacha, uzunligi esa 500-16000 mm. Barcha mahsulotlar milliy standartlarga va AMS va JIS kabi xalqaro standartlarga mos keladi. Biz mijozning ehtiyojlariga ko'ra turli xil texnik xususiyatlarni sozlashimiz mumkin.
Commonly aluminum tread plate
ⅰ: Alyuminiy taglik plitasi 4017
Alyuminiy taglik plitasi 4017 is a flat shaped, textured plate of 4017 alyuminiy qotishmasi.
4017 Aluminum has good corrosion resistance, comparable to 3003 va boshqalar 3 series Aluminum alloys.
4017 Aluminum is suitable for coil coating, powder and spray coating. It can be welded by MIG, TIG and LASER and high frequency methods.
ⅱ: Alyuminiy taglik plitasi 3003.
Alyuminiy taglik plitasi 3003 is a textured plate of 3003 alyuminiy qotishmasi.
3003 Aluminum alloy is the most widely used of all aluminum alloys.
It is essentially commercially pure aluminum with the addition of Manganese which increases strength some 20% over 1100.
With excellent corrosion resistance and workability it can be deep drawn or spun, welded or brazed.
ⅲ: Alyuminiy taglik plitasi 6061.
6061-T6 aluminum checker plate is commonly known as ''Diamondplate''. Bu kuchli, lightweight and is used to provide protection and traction on high traffic areas.
6061 Olmosli taglik plitasi
It has a raised, diamond-shaped pattern, which gives it its common nickname, ''diamond plate''.
Due to material handling and processing items may have light scratching. Raw Material is not meant to have a finished cosmetic look
ⅳ: Alyuminiy taglik plitasi 6061 Parameters.
Al | & alloying elements: |
Va | 0.4-0.8% |
Mg | 0.8-1.2% |
Fe | 0.7% (maks) |
Zn | 0.25% (maks) |
Cu | 0.15%-0.4% |
Mn | 0.15% (maks) |
Of | 0.15% (maks) |
Cr | 0.04-0.35% |
Boshqa | 0.05% (maks) per Boshqa jami: 0.15% |
Usages of aluminum tread plate
- Piyodalar
- Zamin qoplamasi
- Rampalar
- Bridge flooring
- Trench and drainage covers
- Mezzanines
- Platformalar
- Stair treads
- Chemical Tanks
- Trim
- Pressure Vessels
- Piping
- Decorative Parts
- Truck beds & treylerlar
- Piyodalar & Catwalks
- Zamin qoplamasi
- Wall panels
- Decorative trim & arxitektura maqsadlarida foydalanish
Thickness of diamond aluminum tread plate
Aluminum checker plate thickness : 2.8mm, 3mm, 3.5mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 15mm va boshqalar
Alumminum Tread Plate (olmos plastinka yoki shashka plitasi sifatida ham tanilgan) is a type of aluminum rolled sheet that has a raised diamond or linear pattern on one side and is smooth on the other side. Uning o'ziga xos tuzilishi tufayli, ko'pincha yo'laklar va rampalar qilish uchun ishlatiladi, sirpanish sodir bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan joylarda. Bundan tashqari, u dekorativ maqsadlarda juda keng qo'llaniladi. Contact your closest Metal Supermarkets store for more information about metal types, shape and grades available.
Alyuminiy taglik plitasi, bo'rttirma alyuminiy plastinka deb ham ataladi, alyuminiy plastinka yuzasida bosilgan yoki bosilgan qadamlar bilan alyuminiy plastinkaga ishora qiladi. Naqsh lentikulyar, rombsimon, dumaloq loviya, va oblate aralashtiriladi. lenticular bozorda eng keng tarqalgan.
The aluminum tread plate is characterized by high hardness, kuchli chidamlilik, oson payvandlash, korroziyaga qarshilik, va boshqalar., va protektor plitasi chiroyli ko'rinishning afzalliklariga ega, sirpanishga qarshi, ishlashni kuchaytirish, va po'latni tejash. U transportda keng qo'llaniladi, qurilish, bezatish, uskunalar atrofidagi qavat, mashinalar, kemasozlik va boshqa sohalar.
Commonly available on the market are 1 - 5 barlar (lentikulyar) tread boards. The alloy range mainly includes 1xxx, 3xxx and 5xxx series boards. Due to their easy cleaning and high brightness, they have been widely used in construction, especially in the decoration field. Ular orasida, 3003 va 6061 alloys are the more common tread plate grades.We can cut aluminum tread plate to different size according to your requirement.
Common aluminum checker plate alloy
3003H22 / 24 tread aluminum plate has strong corrosion resistance and easy formability, esa 6061 tread plate is famous for its high strength, durability and non-slip characteristics. In terms of hardness, the heat-treated 6061T6 aluminum alloy plate is higher than 3003, so it is widely used in areas with high requirements for hardness and durability, so 6061T6 has unique advantages in ramps, zinapoyalar, skid plates, va boshqalar. Due to the reasonable price and cost, high ductility, and strong mechanical properties, the tread aluminum plate is widely used in industrial and interior decoration fields. Bunga qo'chimcha, the aluminum tread plate is also very suitable for construction areas such as elastic flooring and structural materials with high safety.