Aluminum tread plate overview

Alyuminiy taglik plitasi

AKA:Alyuminiy olmosli plastinka, Alyuminiy taglik plitasi, alyuminiy shashka plitasi, Aluminum Floor Plate

popular alloy plate: 3003-H22 Aluminum Diamond Plate, 6061-T6 Aluminum Diamond Plate etc.

3003-H22 Aluminum Diamond Plate - Highly Polished

The dazzling glow of the Aluminum Diamond Plate adds sparkle while also adding durability. AKA: Aluminium Diamond Plate, Aluminium Pedals, Bright Tread, Aluminium Floors, this highly reflective, economical product is widely used in decorative, cosmetic and architectural applications. Aluminum Diamond Plate has good forming, drilling and welding capabilities, is easy to manufacture, and its raised diamond lug pattern provides good slip resistance.

6061-T6 Aluminum Diamond Plate - Jilolangan

Kuch, slip resistance and durability are the main selling points of this product. 6061 Aluminum Diamond Plate is used in a wide variety of industrial applications - qavatlar, loading ramps, xandaq qoplamalari, dock floors, stair treads, elevator floors, freezer floors, va boshqalar. Offers higher strength and corrosion resistance than 3003, 6061 pedals, is easy to weld and drill, but has limited formability. 6061 Flooring is an industrial grade aluminum with a matte finish and is not intended for decorative purposes. There may be some minor scuffs and scratches.

Available sizes:

1' x 1', 1' x 2', 1' x 4', 2' x 2', 2' x 4', 4' x 4', 4' x 8', 4' x 10', 5' x 8', 5' x 10', 5' x 12', or cut to size and custom shapes. Stock dimensions may vary +/- 1/8"

4x8 Diamond Plate

Parameters of 4x8 foot aluminum diamond plate

Ekvivalent nom: olmos alyuminiy plitalari, brite plastinkasini bosib o'ting, alyuminiy katakchali varaq ( shashka plitasi ), alyuminiy katakchalar ( chekka plitasi, shashka plitasi )
Qotishmalar: 1050, 1100, 3003, 3103, 5052, 5083, 5754, 6061, 6082 va boshqalar
Tekstura: bitta bar, ikki bar, uchta bar, besh bar va boshqalar
Rang: kumush, black etc
Qalinligi: 2mm, 3mm, 0.25 dyuym va boshqalar
Equivalent size: 4 fut x 8 ft, 4fut x 8 fut, 4'x8' (48"x96"), 1220 x 2440 mm, 2500×1250, 4' x 8', 8x4 ft, 48 x 96 dyuym va boshqalar

Features of 4x8 Aluminium diamond plate 4x8

1.4x8 diamond plate can be forged with cold treatment and can be used in situations which have high demand in anti-corrosion and oxidation.

2.Uning yaxshi mavjudligi va super xususiyatlarga ega ulagichi natijasida,4x8 4x8 diamond plate

is easily coated and has good processability.

3.4x8 Foot Aluminum Tread Plate in the main alloy elements as magnesium and silicon, o'rta kuch bilan, yaxshi korroziyaga qarshilik, payvandlanish qobiliyati, oksidlanish effekti yaxshi. Sanoat tuzilishining ma'lum bir kuch va antibiotiklarga chidamliligi talablariga keng qo'llaniladi, yuk mashinasi ishlab chiqarish kabi, minora binosi, kema, poyezd, temir yo'l transport vositalari, mebel, va boshqalar.

Applications of Aluminium checker plate 4x8

1.This series 8 x 4 aluminium chequer plate can be used in processing airplane parts, kamera qismlari, ulagichlar, ship parts, apparat, electronic accessories and joints, klapanlar va vana qismlari, va boshqalar

alyuminiy shashka plitasi

c. It can also be used in low tension weapons and connectors in airplane.

2.You can use aluminum checkered sheets in the floor of automobile, samolyot, engil temir yo'l, vehicle steps, stair treads, elevators, va boshqalar.

3.You also can use checkered sheets in your garage or workshop for a variety of purposes.
Dimensions of the 4x8 Foot Aluminum Tread Plate

Dimensions of the 4x8 diamond plate

4x8 diamond plate means width x length = 4 oyoq x 8 feet = 1219mm x 2438mm, we can customize various specifications according to customer needs.

4'x8' Diamond Plate