As a leading factory and wholesaler, Huawei alyuminiy proudly offers 8006 Alyuminiy folga, widely recognized for its unique properties and versatile applications. This aluminum foil is primarily used in packaging, especially for food containers, qopqoqlar, and pharmaceutical seals due to its excellent formability, kuch, and resistance to corrosion.

8006 Alyuminiy folga

Product Specifications

Huawei Aluminum offers 8006 foil in various sizes and specifications to meet the needs of different industries:

Spetsifikatsiya Tafsilotlar
Jahl O, H22, H24, H26, H18
Qalinligi 0.016mm - 0.2mm
Kengligi 100mm - 1600mm
Ichki diametri 76mm / 152mm
Yuzaki ishlov berish Tegirmonni tugatish, Bir tomoni yorqin

Kimyoviy tarkibi

Let's dive into the chemical composition of 8006 Alyuminiy folga, which contributes to its superior properties:

Element Tarkib
Mis (Cu) 0.3%
Temir (Fe) 1.2 - 2%
Magniy (Mg) 0.1%
Marganets (Mn) 0.3 - 1%
Kremniy (Va) 0.4%
Sink (Zn) 0.1%
Boshqa Har biri 0.05, jami 0.15, Rest Al

Mexanik xususiyatlar

ning mexanik xususiyatlari 8006 Aluminum Foil are what set it apart from other aluminum alloys. Here are some key properties:

Mulk Temperature Qiymat Comment
Zichlik 23.0 °C 2.74 g/sm³ -
Elastic Modulus 23.0 °C 69 - 72 Gpa Typical for Wrought 8000 Seriya
Cho'zilish (A100) 20.0 °C 2 - 3 % -
Cho'zilish (A50) 20.0 °C 2 - 3 % -
Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness 23.0 °C 22 - 35 MPa·√m Typical for Wrought 8000 Seriya
Puasson nisbati 23.0 °C 0.33 Typical for Wrought 8000 Seriya
Mustahkamlik chegarasi 20.0 °C 170 - 190 MPa -
Hosildorlik kuchi (Rp0.2) 20.0 °C 170 MPa -

Thermal Properties

Thermal properties are crucial for applications where temperature fluctuations are common. Here's what sets 8006 Aluminum Foil apart:

Mulk Temperature Qiymat Comment
Issiqlik kengayish koeffitsienti 23.0 °C 1.9E-5 - 2.1E-5 1/K Typical for Wrought 8000 Seriya
Erish nuqtasi - 645 - 655 °C Typical for Wrought 8000 Seriya
Specific Heat Capacity 23.0 °C 920 J/(kg·K) Typical for Wrought 8000 Seriya
Issiqlik o'tkazuvchanligi 23.0 °C 167 - 220 W/(m·K) Typical for Wrought 8000 Seriya

Electrical Properties

For applications involving electrical conductivity, 8006 Aluminum Foil delivers outstanding performance:

Mulk Temperature Qiymat Comment
Elektr o'tkazuvchanligi 23.0 °C 2.80E+7 - 3.50E+7 S/m Typical for Wrought 8000 Seriya
Elektr qarshiligi 23.0 °C 2.8E-8 - 3.5E-8 Ω·m Typical for Wrought 8000 Seriya

Good Price 8006 Alyuminiy folga

ning ilovalari 8006 Alyuminiy folga

8006 Aluminum Foil's high strength and versatility make it suitable for a wide range of applications, shu jumladan:

  • Qadoqlash: Due to its formability and durability, it's perfect for food and product packaging.
  • Aerokosmik: Its strength-to-weight ratio makes it ideal for aircraft components.
  • Avtomobilsozlik: Used in manufacturing parts that require high strength and light weight.
  • Qurilish: For roofing, siding, and other structural applications where durability is key.
  • Elektronika: In the manufacturing of heat sinks and other components requiring high thermal conductivity.

Huawei alyuminiy kotirovkasi

Sana LME LME haftalik narxi 2023-04 LME o'rtacha 2023-04 SMM o'rtacha
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

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2. Mahsulotlarimizning narxi real vaqt rejimida LME o'zgarishiga qarab o'zgaradi, Valyuta kursi.
3. Batafsil narxlar uchun, bizning narx sahifamizga qarang 2022 Alyuminiy narxi.