Ⅰ: 6061 T6 aluminum sheet introduction

Ⅰ-a: 6061 t6 Aluminum Sheet characteristics

The 6061-T6 Aluminum sheet has a tensile strength range of 20-42 KSI and conforms to AMS QQ-A-250/11 and ASTM B209 Excellent joining characteristics, good acceptance of applied coatings. Combines relatively high strength, yaxshi ish qobiliyati, and high resistance to corrosion; widely available.

6061 T6 aluminum sheet plate

6061 t6 alyuminiy varaq

Ⅰ-b: ning ilovalari 6061 t6 alyuminiy qatlam

Aircraft fittings, camera lens mounts, couplings, marines fittings and hardware, electrical fittings and connectors, decorative or misc. apparat, cheese plate, lazerli kesish, hinge pins, magneto parts, tormoz pistonlari, gidravlik pistonlar, appliance fittings, valves, and valve parts.


6061 T6 aluminum sheet for sale

6061 T6 aluminum sheet for sale

Ⅰ-c: Why is T6 the Most Popular 6061 Alyuminiy varaq?

The T6 state is the most used of 6061 alyuminiy qotishmasi. In this state, the 6061 medium plates are quenched by a medium plate. Eritmani issiqlik bilan ishlov berishdan keyin, cold working is not required, and straightening and leveling can be performed, but the mechanical properties are not affected.

6061 t6 aluminum plate is an aluminum plate product that is very versatile and has a wide range of applications. 6061 Aluminum planet is made from one of the most widely used heat treatable aluminum alloys. Ushbu varaq mukammal korroziyaga chidamliligiga ega, yaxshi ish qobiliyati, and good machinability. 6061 plate applications include a wide variety of products from medical assemblies, konstruktiv qismlarga samolyot konstruktsiyasi. 6061 t6 aluminum plate has a high strength to weight ratio making it ideal for any application where parts need to be light.



Ⅱ: Maxsus dastur 6061 t6 alyuminiy qatlam

  • Samolyot darajasi 6061 t6 alyuminiy qatlam
  • Dengiz darajasi 6061 t6 alyuminiy qatlam

Ⅲ: Eksport qiluvchi mamlakatlar va hududlar

Pokiston, Hindiston, Kanada, Polsha, Italiya, Saudiya Arabistoni, Kolumbiya, Malayziya, va boshqalar

Biz bilan hamkorlik qilish uchun butun dunyodagi do'stlarni xush kelibsiz. If you want to import aluminum products from China, we can deliver goods to every country in the world.