6061 metall alyuminiy qotishmasi ga tegishli 6000 seriyali alyuminiy qotishmasi. ning asosiy qotishma elementlari 6061 alyuminiy qotishmasi magniy va kremniydir, va Mg2Si fazasini hosil qiladi. Agar ma'lum miqdorda marganets va xrom bo'lsa, temirning yomon ta'sirini zararsizlantirishi mumkin; sometimes a small amount of copper or zinc is added to improve the strength of the alloy without making its corrosion resistance significantly reduced; there is a small amount of copper in the conductive material to offset the bad effect of titanium and iron on the conductivity; zirkonyum yoki titan donni tozalashi va qayta kristallanish tashkilotini boshqarishi mumkin; ishlov berish qobiliyatini yaxshilash uchun, qo'rg'oshin va vismut qo'shilishi mumkin. In Mg2Si solid solution in aluminum, so that the alloy has artificial aging hardening function. 6061 aluminum alloy in the main alloy elements are magnesium and silicon, o'rta kuch bilan, yaxshi korroziyaga qarshilik, payvandlanish qobiliyati, oksidlanish effekti yaxshi.
alyuminiy 6061 alloy has excellent processing performance, yaxshi korroziyaga qarshilik, high toughness and no deformation after processing, easy color film, excellent oxidation effect and other excellent features.
ning asosiy qotishma elementlari 6061 alyuminiy qotishmasi magniy va kremniydir, mainly in the shape of aluminum sheet plate, generally have T6, T4 and other states, 6061 aluminum alloy hardness reaches 95 yoki undan ko'p, widely used in machining industry, production can add a small amount of copper or zinc, in order to improve the strength of the alloy, without making its corrosion resistance has a significant reduction; conductive materials and a small amount of copper, in order to offset the titanium and iron on the conductivity of 6061 ma'lum bir kuch talab qiladi, payvandlanish qobiliyati, high corrosion resistance of industrial structural parts. 6061 aluminum plate requires a certain strength, weldability and high corrosion resistance of a variety of industrial structural properties, yuk mashinalari ishlab chiqarish kabilar, minoralar, kemalar, tramvaylar, mebel, mexanik qismlar, precision machining with the tube, bar, shaklli material, plastinka.
ning texnik xususiyatlari 6061 alyuminiy qotishmasi
Equivalent alloy name of 6061 alyuminiy qotishmasi
a6061, 6061a, aa6061, 6061aa, al6061, al6061a, a 6061, aa 6061, jis a6061p, al6061 class, aw6061, en6061 grade etc
Temper of 6061 alyuminiy qotishmasi
Yumshoq HO (h0), H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, H16, H17, H18, H19, H20, H21, H22, H23, H24, H25, H26, H27, H28, H29, H30, H31, H32, H33, H34, H35, H36, H37, H38, H39, H46, H48, H111, H112, H114, H116, H131, H321 va boshqalar
T0, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, 8-savol, T24, T32, T35, T73, T74, T83, T351, T354, T650, T651, T851 va boshqalar
Mahsulot turiga ko'ra, ga ajratish mumkin
- 6061 alyuminiy qatlam
- 6061 alyuminiy lasan
- 6061 alyuminiy tasma
- 6061 alyuminiy doira
- 6061 alyuminiy protektor plitasi
Kimyoviy tarkibi 6061 metall alyuminiy qotishmasi
- Va ( Kremniy ): 0.40-0.8
- Cu ( Mis ): 0.15-0.40
- Mg ( Magniy ): 0.8-1.2
- Zn ( Sink ): ≤0,25
- Mn ( Marganets ): ≤ 0.15
- Cr ( Chromium ): 0.04-0.35
- Fe ( Temir ): ≤ 0.7
- Of ( Titan ):≤0,15
- Boshqa:≤0,05
- Boshqa jami: ≤0,15
- Al ( alyuminiy ): remaining all
6061 metal aluminum alloy mechanical properties:
- Kuchlanish kuchi sb (MPa):≥180
- Yield strength σ0.2 (MPa):≥110
- Cho'zilish d5 (%):≥14