6061 alyuminiy lasan bilan tanishtirish?
6061 Aluminum coil is made of one of the most versatile of all aluminum alloys. 6061 Aluminum coil is the alloy of choice for all-purpose applications. 6061 Aluminum coil is an aluminum-silicon-magnesium alloy, yog'ingarchilikning qattiqlashishi bilan mustahkamlangan. Ushbu qotishma o'rtacha quvvatga ega, shakllanuvchanlik, payvandlanish qobiliyati, ishlov berish qobiliyati, va korroziyaga qarshilik.
6061 alyuminiy qotishma lasan
Nima uchun deyiladi 6061 alyuminiy lasan?
The 6061 alyuminiy lasan ga tegishli 6 seriyali alyuminiy qotishma lasan. The source of the 6061 name is due to the different alloying elements added in the production process and the different processes used.
A picture to understand what is 6061 alyuminiy lasan
6061 aluminum coil chart description
6061 aluminum coil performance advantages:
1. 6 series aluminum coil has strong corrosion resistance and no tendency to stress corrosion cracking.
2. The 6 series aluminum coil has excellent welding performance, and the corrosion performance in the welding area remains unchanged.
3. Cutting is not easy to deform.
4. The addition of Cu to the 6 series aluminum coil not only improves the plasticity of the alloy during hot working but also increases the heat treatment strengthening effect.