Nima bu 5083 alyuminiy qotishma doirasi?
5083 qotishma metall alyuminiy disk doira tegishli 5000 seriyali alyuminiy doira. Alyuminiy doiralar elektronikada keng qo'llaniladi, kundalik kimyoviy moddalar, dori, madaniyat va ta'lim, va avtomobil aksessuarlari. Elektr jihozlari, issiqlik izolatsiyasi, mashinasozlik ishlab chiqarish, avtomobilsozlik, aerokosmik, harbiy, mog'or, qurilish, poligrafiya va boshqa sanoat tarmoqlari. Yopishmaydigan kostryulkalar kabi oshxona anjomlari kabi, bosimli pishirgichlar, va boshqalar. and hardware supplies such as lampshades, suv isitgichi qobiqlari, stretch tanks, va boshqalar, are one of the most heavily processed products of aluminum alloy plate and strip.
5083 alyuminiy doira
ning texnik xususiyatlari 5083 alloy aluminium discs
Ekvivalent qotishma nomi | a5083, 5083a, aa5083, 5083aa, al5083, al5083a, 5083 aa, aa 5083, al5083 class |
Jahl | TO,H12,H14,H16,H18,H22,H24,H26,H28,H111,H112,H114,H 116,H321 |
Diametri | ( kichik ) 100mm, 160mm, 200mm, 1200mm ( katta ) va boshqalar |
5083 aluminum circle chemical element
Element | Va | Fe | Cu | Mn | Cr | Mg | Of | Boshqalar | Jami |
Tarkib | 0.40 | 0.40 | 0.10 | 0.40-1.0 | 0.05-0.25 | 4.0-4.9 | 0.15 | ≤0,05 | 0.15 |
Mechanical properties of aluminum circles 5083
Stressni isbotlash | Tensile Stength | Brinellning qattiqligi | Cho'zilish |
125Mpa | 275-360Mpa | 75Hb | 12% |
5083 aluminium circle punch processing
1. Blank cutting (cut into squares) 2. Blanking (punching into discs you want)
If it is a roll, add an unwind in front.
Automatic circle blanking production line processing
The main components of the aluminium circle uncoiling and blanking production line are: loading trolley, uncoiling machine, tekislash mashinasi, oziqlantiruvchi, tebranish birligi, special closed single-point mechanical press, quick die changing device, palletizing unit, scrap shear Cutting, gidravlik tizim, elektr nazorat qilish tizimi, va boshqalar.
Technical characteristics of production line:
1. Fully numerically controlled, the production line should start from the unwinding of the coil, until the entire roll of material is blanked, no manual contact with any materials is needed, no adjustments are needed, and the potential safety hazards of ordinary punches are basically eliminated Hidden product quality.
2. The line can directly use the coil to produce circles without the need for slitting and cross-cutting of the coil, which reduces the production process, reduces the cost of production, and reduces the possibility of damaging the surface of the coil. The disc is guaranteed to be free of oil and scratches.
3. This line makes full use of the width of the coil and uses high-precision servo motor drive system control to minimize the circle spacing and the distance from the circle to the material edge, radically reduce the amount of waste, and make the raw material utilization rate reach 80% yuqorisida, yuqoridagi.
4. Production speed can reach 40-55 tablets per minute, which improves production efficiency.
5. Due to the use of a modular mold design, when converting circle production specifications, the conversion time can be reduced to less than 15 daqiqa. The diameter of circles that can be produced ranges from 85 mm gacha 750 mm.
6. Advanced unwinding system, six-level leveling machine, high rigid mechanical press, avtomatik palletizatsiya tizimi, va boshqalar., ensure the high quality of circle products.
5083 aluminium circle applications
The main alloying element in the 5083 alloy aluminium disc is magnesium, which has good corrosion resistance and weldability, as well as medium strength, and has incomparable advantages over other alloys.
Excellent corrosion resistance makes 5083 aluminum alloy discs widely used in maritime applications such as ships, yo'l belgilari, kitchen tools, discs, and pressure vessels requiring strict fire protection (such as liquid tankers, refrigerated trucks, refrigerated containers), sovutish moslamalari, teleminoralar, burg'ulash uskunalari, transport uskunalari, raketa qismlari, zirh, gaz baklari, oil tankers, asboblar qutilari, va boshqalar.