3003 metal aluminum alloy is one of the more used aluminum alloys in life, it belongs to the aluminum-manganese 3000 seriyali metall alyuminiy qotishmasi seriya, because of the existence of manganese elements, this product has good rust-proof characteristics, and is also known as rust-proof aluminum plate. Rust-proof aluminum alloy mainly contains manganese magnesium and other alloy elements, rust-proof aluminum plate is mainly 3 series Al-Mn system and 5 series Al-Mg system alloy. 3003 rust-proof aluminum the strength of this alloy is slightly higher than industrial pure aluminum, its strength is 10% dan yuqori 1100, mustahkamlash uchun issiqlik bilan ishlov berish mumkin emas, so the cold processing method is used to improve its mechanical properties, yaxshi korroziyaga qarshilik, yaxshi payvandlash qobiliyati, yomon ishlov berish qobiliyati.
ning parametrlari 3003 alyuminiy qotishmasi
Ekvivalent nom
a3003, 3003a, aa3003, 3003aa, al3003, al3003a, a 3003, aa 3003, jis a3003p, al3003 sinf, aw3003, en3003 darajasi va boshqalar
Yumshoq HO, H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, H16, H17, H18, H19, H20, H21, H22, H23, H24, H25, H26, H27, H28, H29, H30, H31, H32, H33, H34, H35, H36, H37, H38, H39, H46, H48, H111, H112, H114, H116, H131, H194, H321 va boshqalar
Mahsulot turiga ko'ra, ga ajratish mumkin
- 3003 qotishma metall alyuminiy plastinka plitasi
- 3003 qotishma metall alyuminiy lasan
- 3003 qotishma metall alyuminiy folga
- 3003 qotishma metall alyuminiy lenta
- 3003 qotishma metall alyuminiy doira
- 3003 qotishma metall alyuminiy protektor plitasi
Yuzaki ishlov berish bo'yicha, ga ajratish mumkin
- Rang 3003 metall alyuminiy qotishmasi
- Naqshli 3003 metall alyuminiy qotishmasi
- Anodlangan 3003 metall alyuminiy qotishmasi
- Mirror 3003 metall alyuminiy qotishmasi
Ushbu qotishmaning kuchi yuqori emas (sanoat toza alyuminiydan bir oz yuqori), and it cannot be strengthened by heat treatment, so cold working methods are used to improve its mechanical properties.
ning ishlash xususiyatlari 3003 metall alyuminiy qotishmasi
1、High plasticity in annealed condition
2、Plasticity is still good in semi-cold hardening, sovuq qattiqlashuvda past plastiklik, yaxshi korroziyaga qarshilik
3、Yaxshi payvandlash qobiliyati, yomon ishlov berish qobiliyati
Main applications of 3003 metall alyuminiy qotishmasi
3003 aluminum alloy has excellent chemical properties, yaxshi korroziyaga qarshilik, close to the corrosion resistance of industrial pure aluminum, good corrosion resistance to atmosphere, fresh water, sea water, ovqat, organik kislota, benzin, neutral inorganic salt aqueous solution, va boshqalar., and good corrosion resistance in dilute acid. In the cold deformation state, 3003 aluminum alloy has the tendency of spalling corrosion, the larger the deformation, the more serious the spalling. Because of the uneven color after anodic oxidation, it is generally not anodized.
Used in the processing of parts and components that require good forming properties, yuqori korroziyaga chidamliligi va yaxshi payvandlanishi, or require both these properties and high strength than the 1XXX series alloys, oshxona anjomlari kabi, food and chemical products processing and storage devices, tanklar, suyuq mahsulotlarni tashish uchun tanklar, various pressure vessels and pipelines processed in thin plates, general ware, issiqlik qabul qiluvchilar, makeup plates, nusxa ko'chirish roliklari, kema materiallari.
Performance parameter of 3003 metall alyuminiy qotishmasi
Chemical composition analysis:
- Va ( Kremniy ): ≤ 0.6
- Cu ( Mis ): 0.05 - 0.2
- Zn ( Sink ): ≤ 0.1
- Mn ( Marganets ): 1.0 - 1.5
- Fe ( Temir ): ≤ 0.7
- Boshqa:≤ 0.05
- Al ( alyuminiy ): qolgan
Mechanical performance analysis:
Aluminum alloy grades |
Mustahkamlik chegarasi (MPa) |
Hosildorlik kuchi (MPa) |
Cho'zilish (%) |
Brinell hardness |
3003 |
142-178 |
≥ 115 |
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