Introduction of mirror aluminum sheet plate

Mirror aluminum plate refers to the aluminum plate that has been processed by rolling, суфтакунй ва дигар усулхои сохтани сатхи табак таъсири оина доранд. Пластинҳои оинаи алюминийи хориҷӣ одатан плитаҳои алюминийро барои сохтани кат ва варақ истифода мебаранд.

Mirror aluminum plate is just a general term.According to different reference standards, ба он таксим кардан мумкин аст two types of mirror aluminum plates:

According to the degree of surface polishing It can be divided into 800 standard polishing, 850 high polishing, ва 890 ultra-high polishing;
Мувофиқи коркарди рӯизаминӣ It can be divided into 800 series of oxidized polished aluminum plate and R series of unoxidized polished aluminum plate.
mirror aluminum sheet factory mirror aluminum sheet for sale

Why choose mirror aluminum sheet?

Polished aluminum mirror plate has a very smooth surface, like a real mirror, but with high strength. Excellent weather resistance and sound insulation. Excellent impact resistance, light weight and easy maintenance. Табобати рӯизаминӣ: Сайёрдашуда, Анодшуда, Сайёрдашуда, Free of Oil Stains, Dents, Inclusions, Харошидан, Stains, Oxidation Discoloration, Fractures, Коррозия, Rolling Marks.

Aluminum mirror sheet alloy

The main products of mirror aluminum plate are 1 силсилаи 1050 mirror aluminum plate, 1060 плитаи алюминийи хӯлаи, 1070 плитаи алюминийи хӯлаи, 1100 плитаи алюминийи хӯлаи; 3 силсила 3003 плитаи алюминий, 3004 плитаи алюминий, 3005 плитаи алюминий, 3104 плитаи алюминийи хӯлаи, 3105 плитаи алюминийи хӯлаи; 5 силсила 5182 плитаи алюминий ва 5052 aluminum plate Alloy, as well as the rare 8 силсила 8011 плитаи алюминий, the material states are mainly O, H*2, H*4, H18, H19, and the thickness is 0.1-6.0mm.

mirror aluminum supplier

mirror aluminum supplier

Aluminum mirror sheet supplier

As a mirror aluminum plate manufacturer, the reflectivity of mirror aluminum plates produced by Henan Huawei Aluminum Co., Ltd. can reach 85%. Ширкати Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. is a factory direct selling enterprise, which reduces intermediate processes and offers preferential prices.As a 18-year aluminum mirror plate manufacturer in Huawei Aluminum, мо сифати боэътимод дорем, reasonable price and prompt delivery.

How do mirror aluminium finish?

The purity of aluminum is the main effect of the mirror. Huawei's aluminum materials use 1080 (99.80%) high-purity aluminum to ensure a specular reflectivity of over 85% and a resolution of up to 94%.

The aluminum reflector must have good formability, and the aluminum reflector produced by Huawei Aluminum is suitable for bending in a semi-hard state to ensure the user's post-forming process.

The flatness of the mirror aluminum is also an important factor affecting the imaging. Huawei Aluminum purchased the Tension Leveler from Germany, and the surface roughness of the aluminum is close to 100%.

варақаи алюминийи оина

варақаи алюминийи оина

Applications of mirror aluminum sheet plate.

Равшанӣ , reflective and decorative lamps , solar reflective materials, , ороиши дохилӣ, ороиши девор, асбобхои рузгор, панелҳо, electronic housings, мебел, ошхона, ороиши дохилию берунии автомобиль, аломатҳо, labels, халтаҳо, куттихои заргарй ва дигар сохахо.

Mirror aluminum is widely used. It is widely used in lighting lamp reflectors and lamp decoration, solar heat-collecting reflective materials, ороиши дохили бино, ороиши девори берунӣ, панельхои асбобхои рузгор, қуттиҳои маҳсулоти электронӣ, ошхонахои мебель, ороиши дохилию берунии автомобиль, нишона, аломатҳо, luggage, jewelry boxes, aluminum panels for curtain walls to automotive lamp shades. Different applications have different requirements for the aluminum plate material. The Mirror finish aluminum sheet mainly considers the reflectance and flatness of the plate surface.

mirror aluminum sheet plate used for building

mirror aluminum sheet plate used for building

mirror aluminum sheet plate used for light

mirror aluminum sheet plate used for light

варақи оинаи алюминий

варақи оинаи алюминий

Quick info of polished aluminum sheet

Маҳсулот Aluminium Mirror Finish Sheets, with Reflective Rate 86%-95%
How to Produce Polished Aluminum Sheet? The mirror finish sheet is made by polished, it is more bright and beautiful than anodized mirror sheet, but the surface is easy to get hurt. Anodizing is equivalent to protection of the finish surface. Умуман, the bright surface will be better which is polished first and then through oxidation effect. If the mirror finish sheet is oxidized, it can have different colors, and it is not easy to get hurt. Пас аз анодизатсия, the performance is stronger, not easily to be damaged, produced product has higher degree of quality.
Grades 1100 Reflector Mirror Aluminium Sheet, Алюминий 1050 Mirror Sheets, 1060 Aluminium Mirror Finish Sheets, 1070 Aluminium Mirror Finish Sheets, 3003 Aluminium Mirror Finish Sheets, 3105 Aluminium Mirror Finish Sheets, 8011 Polished Aluminum Sheet
Андоза -Ғафс: 0.2 to 6mm
-Васеъ: 800мм, 1000мм, 1250мм, Custom Width Can be Cut from Mirror Finish Sheets
-Дарозӣ: Custom Lengths Available
-1000 х 2000 мм, 1200 х 2400 мм, 1220 х 2440 мм, 1250 х 2500 мм, 1500 х 3000 мм
Табиат -О, Ф, H111, H112, H12, H14, H22, H24,
-H32, H34, 38
-T4, T6, T651, T6511
-T6, T651, T6511, T7351Annealing – O, Ф
Hot Work- Т1, H111, H112
Cold Work – H12, H14, H16, H18, H32, H34, H116, H321
Анҷом Фабрика, Сайёрдашуда, Close Tolerance Polished, Анодшуда
Таҳвил Immediate for Materials in Stock, 20-30 Days for Mill Production
Other Custom Tests PMI Inspection, Destructive Testing & Non Destructive Testing
Бастабандӣ Wooden Pallets or Customized Pallets
Барномаҳо ~ aluminum mirror sheet used for nameplates
~ aluminum mirror sheet used for house hold appliances
~ aluminum mirror sheet used for vehicle bodies
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~ aluminum mirror sheet used for computer chassis
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Иқтибосҳои Huawei алюминий

Сана LME Нархи ҳафтаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи SMM
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Нархҳо дар навсозӣ карда мешаванд 10:00 дар рӯзҳои корӣ ҳастам.
2. Нархи маҳсулоти мо дар вақти воқеӣ вобаста ба тағирёбии LME тағир хоҳад ёфт, Қурби пул.
3. Барои нархҳои бештар, лутфан ба саҳифаи нархҳои мо муроҷиат кунед 2022 Нархи алюминий.