Алюминийи кандакорӣ чӣ гуна ранг карда мешавад?

1. Лавҳаи алюминийи дурустро интихоб кунед - дар процесси истехсолот, оксидшавии анодии плитаи алюминийи холис, Алюминийи алюминийи магний ва алюминийи марганеци алюминий таъсири ранг кардани табақ беҳтар аст. Барои пластинҳои алюминийи дорои миқдори зиёди кремний ё мис, only dark and black color can be dyed during the dyeing process.

2. Control oxide film thickness - Филми оксид ба ғафсӣ ишора мекунад, porosity and transparency of aluminum film. The thickness of the film in the aluminum plate should be kept above 10um to obtain good dyeing effect.

3. Pay attention to the dye concentration - the dye concentration has a certain relationship with the dyeing effect. If the aluminum plate is light colored, the concentration can be lower, otherwise it can be higher. In order to enhance the absorption of the stain, a low concentration of color will be used for further staining, so that the dye molecules more evenly penetrate into the pores of the oxide film, so that the color of the stain is more harmonious and firm.

4. Pay attention to the temperature of dye solution - aluminum dyeing is divided into cold dyeing and hot dyeing. Cold dyeing takes a long time to achieve the desired results, and the uniformity of color is relatively easy to master. The hot dyeing time is short and the color is difficult to control.

Алюминийи ранга

Алюминийи ранга

According to the technology, ба он таксим кардан мумкин аст

  • Color coated embossed aluminum
  • Color anodized embossed aluminum
  • Color printed embossed aluminum

Applications of Color Embossed Aluminum

Applications of Color Embossed Aluminum

Applications of Color Embossed Aluminum

Иқтибосҳои Huawei алюминий

Сана LME Нархи ҳафтаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи SMM
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Нархҳо дар навсозӣ карда мешаванд 10:00 дар рӯзҳои корӣ ҳастам.
2. Нархи маҳсулоти мо дар вақти воқеӣ вобаста ба тағирёбии LME тағир хоҳад ёфт, Қурби пул.
3. Барои нархҳои бештар, лутфан ба саҳифаи нархҳои мо муроҷиат кунед 2022 Нархи алюминий.