6000 Series Alloy Mirror Aluminum

Aluminum alloys are created when aluminum is mixed with other elements such as silicon or magnesium and other elements. Using alloys has many advantages over pure metals because alloys allow us to extract the properties we want and discard the properties we don't. Aluminum is great on its own, but by incorporating other elements into the mix, we have the opportunity to introduce varying degrees of hardness, устуворӣ, тобоварӣ, tensile strength and toughness.

Combine that with its enormous strength, corrosion resistance and other excellent qualities and you have a perfect alloy for every purpose in numerous end applications. Extrusion companies, such as Taber, provide manufacturers with a variety of customer-specified aluminum alloys based on applications in industries such as infrastructure, мошинсозй, and appliances. This article delves into the topic of aluminum alloys, especially the most dominant family of alloys used in aluminum extrusions, ба 6000 силсилаи хӯлаҳои алюминий.

Color Anodized Aluminum Application
Color Anodized Aluminum

Дар 6000 series is an aluminum alloy series that contains magnesium and silicon as the main alloying components. Notable properties of 6000a alloys are their extrudability, excellent strength and high corrosion resistance. Дар 6000 series alloys can also be heat treated to improve their strength properties. Extrusions in the 6000 series are the perfect choice for structural and architectural applications.

Features of Aluminium Mirror:

1. Copper-free, lead-free, environmentally friendly;

2. High reflectivity, clear and vivid images;

3. Two layers of lead-free waterproof paint;

4. Perfect corrosion resistance;

5. Пойдор;

6. Competitive price.

7. A variety of colors are available, such as bronze, gray, кабуд, ва ғайра.

8. It can be made into safety mirror with PE film or woven bag film (both class I and class II are available.)

Application scope:

1) Gas pipelines, кабелҳо, масолехи бинокорй, ва ғайра. (this product fills a gap
In the field of domestic building materials, with the performance
Better than the indicators of overseas-manufactured panels)
2) Curtain wall decoration for buildings where safety is important,
such as airports, hospitals and research centers
3) Ordinary building exterior wall curtain wall panel
4) Renovation of old houses and mobile houses
5) Renovation and decoration of interior walls, ceilings and bathrooms.
kitchen and balcony
6) Facade
7) Billboards, exhibition stands and notice boards
8) Wall panels and ceilings of tunnels
9) Materials for industrial applications, automobiles and hulls

6000 series aluminum polishing mirror

As a 18 years manufacturer of aluminum, Huawei provide a wide range of 6000 series aluminum polishing mirror, ки бо истифода аз ашьёи хоми хушсифат истехсол карда мешаванд ва дар конструк-цияхои гуногун мавчуданд. Used in diverse industrial applications.We have reliable quality, нархи оқилона ва расонидани фаврӣ. Мушаххасоти умумӣ дар саҳҳомӣ мавҷуданд. Андозаи махсусро мувофиқи дархостҳои мизоҷон танзим кардан мумкин аст. Лутфан, агар шумо ягон савол дошта бошед, бо мо дар тамос шавед. Мо хурсандем, ки ба шумо хидмат кунем.

Now our main products include aluminium Coil, Варақ, Табақ, Доира, Тасма ва фолга, бо махсулоти солона бештар аз 200,000 MT ва ҳаҷми содирот ба ҳисоб меравад 40%.

Мо таҷрибаи бой дорем ва ба назорати қатъии сифат ва хидматрасонии бодиққат ба мизоҷон бахшидаем. Ба дархости шумо ҷиддӣ муносибат карда, сари вақт ҷавоб дода мешавад. Қаноатмандии шумо ин аз паи ҳадафи мост.

Дар Илова, мо инчунин баъзе сертификатҳои ваколатдорро ба даст овардем, монанди ISO 9001, SGS, BV, ва ғайра. Баъди саъю кушиши мо, махсулоти мо ба хорича ба таври васеъ экспорт карда мешавад. Он бозорҳои асосии Амрикои Шимолиро фаро мегирад, Амрикои Ҷанубӣ, Осиёи Ҷанубу Шарқӣ, Океания, Шарки Наздик, Осиёи Шарқӣ, Европаи Гарбй, ва ғайра. Фармоишҳои OEM ва ODM барои мо қобили қабуланд. Хуш омадед ба мо дар тамос шавед ва дар бораи талаботҳои худ бо Маркази хизматрасонӣ ба мизоҷон сӯҳбат кунед.

6000 series aluminum polishing mirror

6000 series aluminum polishing mirror

FAQ of Alloy Mirror Aluminum

С: How to get aluminum out of the aluminum plate casting machine pit
1000 силсила 1050 плитаи алюминий. Extrusion coils, шлангхои гуногун, хокаи фейерверк 1060 aluminum sheets for the food, саноати химия ва пивопазй. For occasions with high requirements on corrosion resistance and formability, but with low strength, chemical equipment typically uses 1100 плитаҳои алюминий. For machining parts that require good formability and high corrosion resistance but do not require high strength parts

С: Can aluminum composite panel and 309 glue be used for interior decoration?
It is definitely not made of aluminum-plastic panels. The core layer of aluminum-plastic panels is low-density polyethylene. Only during production will volatile substances be released. After molding, the inside is the safest plastic layer, and there will be no color. So there will be no pollution. It must be benzene when it comes into contact with the glue you use, and the aluminum composite panel is attached to the blockboard, which has the highest formaldehyde. Benzene volatilizes faster. Woodworking formaldehyde, there is no other way, only more breathable than windows

С: How to repair the damaged aluminum composite panel?
Инчунин, you can cut a small hole in the scrap that can hold the shape and tuck it in a little tighter, so that the appearance is not easy to spot;

С: Оё шумо намунаҳоро пешниҳод мекунед? How many days will samples take to complete?
Free samples will be provided if needed, but the customer should bear the shipping or shipping costs, and the samples will be finished within 5-7 рӯз

С: Complaint Resolution Process
Find your salesperson - the salesperson provides you with a solution (if that's our responsibility, we'll resend a replacement for your next order or return it or offer a discount, ва гайра.). ; If it is the responsibility of the shipping company, we will also help you until the problem is solved. )—If the salesperson cannot solve your problem, please call our manager.

С: Do you accept custom orders?
Бале, we have. We always welcome your custom orders. Please provide your samples or drawings so that we can customize the product according to your preference. Please feel free to contact us for any further details.

С: If I want to get a quote, what information should I let you know?
If you want to know more about our quotation, we are very grateful for your detailed requirements for product size, including shape, ғафсӣ, top (L*W*H) and order quantity

Иқтибосҳои Huawei алюминий

Сана LME Нархи ҳафтаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи SMM
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Нархҳо дар навсозӣ карда мешаванд 10:00 дар рӯзҳои корӣ ҳастам.
2. Нархи маҳсулоти мо дар вақти воқеӣ вобаста ба тағирёбии LME тағир хоҳад ёфт, Қурби пул.
3. Барои нархҳои бештар, лутфан ба саҳифаи нархҳои мо муроҷиат кунед 2022 Нархи алюминий.