Чӣ аст 6000 series aluminum alloy sheet?

6000 series aluminum sheets are aluminum alloys (Ал-Мг-Си) with magnesium and silicon as the main alloying elements, which are heat-treated and strengthened aluminum sheets. Дар 6 series aluminum plate material has high corrosion resistance, кори хуби кафшеркунй, no stress corrosion cracking tendency, and good formability. It is generally suitable for applications with high requirements for corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance. Such as ship accessories, қисмҳои ҳавопаймо, decoration and other scenes.
In order to let viewers know more about 6000 силсилаи хӯлаи металлӣ лавҳаи алюминий, ХВАЛУ will popularize the product knowledge of 6xxx aluminum sheet from various angles in this article, so that everyone can know 6000 aluminum sheet and buy high-quality products.

6000 series aluminum sheet for sale

6000 силсилаи варақи алюминий

6000 series aluminum sheet performance introduction:

The performance of the product is the key concern of buyers.6XXX uses magnesium and silicon as the main alloying elements, and has many outstanding characteristics in performance.

The high strength grade of T651 state can be obtained by heat treatment, and the strength is much higher than that of the 5000 силсила.

6000 Series Alloy Property Table
Қувват The high strength grade of T651 state can be obtained by heat treatment, and the strength is much higher than that of the 5000 силсила.
Workability In the T651 state, the 6XXX alloy plate is easier to process than the 5XXX alloy in the condition
Metal Formability 6000 aluminum plate can be formed into T651 state during cold treatment, or can be tempered to form T451 state to obtain higher formability.
Муқовимат ба зангзанӣ 6000 series aluminum plate has good corrosion resistance, and can still show excellent corrosion resistance even in humid and high temperature environment.
Кафшерпазирӣ 6XXX is easy to weld and has good tensile properties, suitable for industrial manufacturing and household production.
Stability 6 series representative model 6061-T651 aluminum plate has high stability and consistency, reduces deformation and movement during sawing and processing, and can reduce rework and scrap.

6000 series aluminum sheet market analysis:

Understanding the market conditions of 6 series aluminum alloy sheets can better understand the overall situation of the products, timely control the changes in price and demand, and obtain more profits for manufacturers.

Major countries:In United States, Ҳиндустон, Бразилия, Канада, Аморати Муттахидаи Араб, Филиппин, Қатар, Зеландияи Нав, Қатар,Покистон,Бангладеш.
Main application industries:Couplers, арматураҳои баҳрӣ, сахтафзор, architectural trim, electrical fittings, клапанҳо ва қисмҳои клапан.

Specifications of 6xxx series aluminium sheets

6000 Series Aluminum Alloy Properties
6000 series aluminum sheet temper HO мулоим, T6,T651,T652,T451
6000 series aluminum sheet sizes 4x4, 4x8, 4x10, 5x10 etc
6000 series aluminum thickness ( борик ) 0.5мм, 1мм, 1.5мм, 2мм, 3мм, 8мм, 10мм
Surface treatment method сайқал додан, қабати ранга, оксидшавӣ, oiling
Hot selling alloy aluminum sheet 6005 варақи алюминий
6061 варақи алюминий
6063 варақи алюминий
6082 варақи алюминий

Хусусиятҳои 6000 силсилаи лавҳаи алюминий

  1. It is a kind of aluminum sheet that can be forged with cold treatment. With this, it can be used in situations that have high demand for anti-corrosion and oxidation.
  2. Дар натиҷаи дастрасии хуб ва пайвасткунаки он бо хусусиятҳои олӣ, ба осонӣ пӯшида мешавад ва коркарди хуб дорад.
  3. Suitable for further processing of cladding wall and curtain wall
  4. 6000 aluminum has similar properties to 6063, қувваи миёна. Good corrosion resistance and weldability.
  5. 6000 aluminum plate is light in weight, but has impact resistance.
  6. Mainly magnesium and silicon Mg2Si is the main strengthening phase, so it is a kind of non-ferrous metal structural material widely used in industry.
  7. It is a low-density high-strength aluminum alloy material widely used abroad.
  8. Коркарди хуб (easy to extrude).
  9. Good oxidation coloring properties.

Барномаҳои 6000 плитаҳои алюминийи силсила

6000 series aluminum sheet can be used in aircraft grade aluminum, қисмҳои камера, пайвасткунакҳо, ship parts, сахтафзор, electronic accessories and joints, клапанҳо ва қисмҳои клапан, ACP (aluminum composite panels ), ва ғайра. It can also be used in low-tension weapons and connectors in airplanes.

Чӣ аст 6000 series aluminum used for?
6000 series aluminum sheet for aircraft grade 6000 series aluminum sheet for aircraft grade 6000 series aluminum sheet for ship parts 6000 series aluminum sheet for ship parts
6000 series aluminum sheet for couplers 6000 series aluminum sheet for couplers 6000 aluminum sheet for camera parts 6000 aluminum sheet for camera parts

6000 series aluminum chemical composition

Хӯла Ва Фе Cu Мн Mg Cr Зн Аз each other умумии ёрдампулй
Мундариҷа(%) 0.4-0.8 ≤0.70 0.15-0.40 ≤0,15 0.80-1.20 0.04-0.35 ≤0,25 ≤0,15 ≤0,05 ≤0,15 Ал

6000 series aluminum sheet typical physical properties

Grade and status of aluminum alloy Thermal expansion coefficient (20-100°C) μ m/m●k Melting point range (°C) Electrical conductivity 20°C (68°Ф)(%IACS) Resistivity 20°C(68°Ф) Ω m m2/m Зичии (20°C) (г/см3)
6060-T351 23.2 500-635 30 0.058 2.82
6061-H112 23.8 607-650 35 0.050 2.72
6060-H112 23.4 570- -640 29 0.059 2.72
6061-T651 23.6 580-650 43 0.040 2.73

6000 series aluminum sheet typical mechanical properties

Grade and status of aluminum alloy Устувории кашишӣ (25° C MPa) Қувваи ҳосилнокӣ (25° C MPa) Сахтӣ Elongation 1.6mm (1/16дар) ғафсӣ
6061-О ≤150 195 60 12
6061-T42 205 21 1 65 14
6061-T651 310 276 95 12
6000-T62 290 455 135 10
6000- T6 290 503 150 11
6000- T4 205 325 120 20

6xxx series aluminium sheet surface treatment

  • Анодшуда: нуқра, Шампан, light bronze, dark bronze, сиёҳ, light titanium, dark titanium.
  • Electrophoretic coated: нуқра, Шампан, биринҷӣ, сиёҳ, light bronze, dark bronze.
  • Powder spray coated: normal color, special color.
  • Fluorocarbon powder spray coated: normal color, special color.
  • Acrylic paint coated: normal color, special color.
  • Wood grain coated: import paper, domestic paper.

Common models in 6000 series aluminum sheet alloy

Дар 6000 series is a representative series of aluminum plates. For manufacturers and processing plants, 6060, 6061, 6063, ва 6082 are the four most commonly used products in the 6 силсила. The following HWALU introduces the 6060 aluminum plate to let you know more. Learn more about 6-series aluminum alloys.

6000 Силсила 6061 Лавҳаи алюминий

6061 aluminum plate is one types of the 6 плитаҳои алюминийи силсила. 6061 aluminum alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminum-magnesium-silicon series (6000 or 6xxx series). It is much more closely related to 6063 alloy than to 6061 хӯла. The main difference between 6061 ва 6063 is that 6063 has a slightly higher magnesium content. It can be formed by extrusion, forging or rolling, but as a wrought alloy, барои рехтагарй истифода намешавад. It cannot be work hardened, but is usually heat treated to produce a temper with higher strength but lower ductility.

Description of 6060 варақи алюминий

Description of 6060 варақи алюминий

6061 хӯлаи алюминий


Huawei can provide high-quality 6060 aluminum sheets in different sizes and states, and provide customized services.

6061 таркиби химиявии варақи алюминий

Алюминий Cr Cu Фе Мн Mg Ва Аз Зн Боқимондаҳо
97.9 ба 99.3% 0.05% макс 0.1% макс 0.1 ба 0.3% 0.35 ба 0.5% 0.10% 0.3 ба 0.6% 0.1% макс 0.15% макс 0.15% макс

Reference from: 6060 alloy aluminum sheet on wikipedia

Хусусиятҳои 6060 варақи алюминий

Хӯла Хусусиятҳо - Хосиятҳо Барномаҳо Табиат(designation)
  • Very good corrosion resistance
  • Қувваи миёна
  • Comlex sections
  • Anodising quality
Architectural sections, чорчубахо, lightings,

railling, ladders, мебел, панҷараҳо, фарш

  • О:Annealed wrought alloys
  • T4:Solution heat treated & natural aged
  • T6:Solution heat treated & artificially aged (precipitation hardened) Press quenching required
  • T64:Solution heat treated & artificially aged (precipitation hardened) Under aged to improve
  • T66:Cooled from an elevated temperature forming operation & artificially aged (precipitation


6060 aluminum sheet Mechanical properties

Хӯла Табиат Wall Thickness
e mm*
Устувории кашишӣ
Rm Mpa min
Proof stress
Rpo,2 Мпа
Дарозиш Brinell
А50мм % дақ А % дақ
6060 варақ T4 ≤ 25 120 60 14 16 45
Т5 ≤ 5 160 120 6 8 55
T6 ≤ 3 190 150 6 8 65
T65 ≤ 25 170 140 6 8 60
T66 ≤ 3 215 160 6 8 70

6000 силсилаи варақи алюминий

6060 aluminum sheet Mechanical properties

Барномаҳои 6061 Лавҳаи алюминий

Барномаҳои 6060 Лавҳаи алюминий
Барномаҳои 6060 Лавҳаи алюминий

aluminum tank and car

6061 aluminum sheet has been widely used in aviation, кайхонй, автомобилӣ, истехсоли машинахо, shipbuilding aluminum and chemical industries.

6000 Series Aluminum Sheet Quality Inspection

Бо чамъ шудани зиёда аз 21 сол, HWALU бренди худро дар дохили кишвар ва хориҷа таъсис додааст.
Our products will be measured and inspected in all aspects before leaving the factory. We guarantee to provide high-quality services and ensure that the products that arrive in the hands of customers must be the best products.

Inspection and Measurement of 6060 Лавҳаи алюминий

Inspection and Measurement of 6060 Лавҳаи алюминий

Inspection and Measurement of 6060 Лавҳаи алюминий

Inspection and Measurement of 6060 Лавҳаи алюминий

6060,6061 aluminum sheet thickness measurement site

6000 Series Aluminum Alloy Sheet Packaging

We pack the product tightly to prevent damage to the product during transportation, which is one of our high-quality services

Inspection and Measurement of 6060 Лавҳаи алюминий

Inspection and Measurement of 6060 Лавҳаи алюминий

Inspection and Measurement of 6060 Лавҳаи алюминий

Inspection and Measurement of 6060 Лавҳаи алюминий

6000 Series Aluminum Alloy Sheet Packaging

Bending Test About 6000 Series Aluminum Alloy Sheet

Иқтибосҳои Huawei алюминий

Сана LME Нархи ҳафтаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи SMM
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Нархҳо дар навсозӣ карда мешаванд 10:00 дар рӯзҳои корӣ ҳастам.
2. Нархи маҳсулоти мо дар вақти воқеӣ вобаста ба тағирёбии LME тағир хоҳад ёфт, Қурби пул.
3. Барои нархҳои бештар, лутфан ба саҳифаи нархҳои мо муроҷиат кунед 2022 Нархи алюминий.