чист 5754 варақи алюминий?

5754 Alloy Metal Aluminum Sheet Plate is usually a common magnesium aluminum alloy, намояндаи хоси 5000 силсилаи металлӣ хӯлаи алюминий, ва дар саноати пешрафтаи коркарди алюминий васеъ истифода мешавад.

Илова ба алюминий ва магний, он инчунин оҳан дорад, кремний, марганец, мис, хром, магний, zinc and other elements. These alloys give 5754 alloy excellent mechanical properties:

Муқовимати аъло ба зангзанӣ

5754 alloy aluminum plate has excellent corrosion resistance, especially against seawater and industrial polluted atmosphere.

Excellent processing performance

5754 aluminum alloy is a stronger material than 5251 and has good processing properties.

Excellent weldability

The alloy offers excellent weldability and improved processability. 5754 alloy aluminum plates can be used in market segments such as shipbuilding, oil and gas, chemical industry and nuclear energy.

5754 варақи алюминий

5754 варақи алюминий

Дигар 5000 силсилаи варақи алюминий

5754 aluminum sheet specifications

Номи хӯлаи баробар

a5754 aluminum sheet, 5754варақи алюминий, aa5754 aluminum sheet, 5754аа варақи алюминий, al5754 aluminum sheet, al5754a aluminum sheet, а 5754 варақи алюминий, аа 5754 варақи алюминий, al5754 class aluminum sheet, aw5754 aluminum sheet, en5754 grade aluminum sheet, ва ғайра.

5754 варақи алюминий тemper

The common tempers of 5754 alloy are as follows:

О, H12, H14, H16, H18, H22, H24, H26, H28, H32, H34, H36, H38, H111, H112. Дар байни онҳо, the most common tempers are h22 and h111

The meaning and characteristics of partial tempering:

  • О - нарм
  • H111 - Some work hardening imparted by shaping processes but less than required for H11 temper
  • H22 - Work hardened by rolling then annealed to quarter hard
  • H24 - Work hardened by rolling then annealed to half hard
  • H26 - Work hardened by rolling then annealed to three-quarter hard

5754 ғафсӣ варақи алюминий

  • 1.0 мм (0.031 инч)
  • 1.2 мм (0.047 инч)
  • 1.5 мм (0.059 инч)
  • 2.0 мм (0.079 инч)
  • 2.5 мм (0.098 инч)
  • 3.0 мм (0.118 инч)
  • 4.0 мм (0.157 инч)
  • 5.0 мм (0.197 инч)
  • 6.0 мм (0.236 инч)
  • 8.0 мм (0.315 инч)
  • 10.0 мм (0.394 инч)
  • 12.0 мм (0.472 инч)

Please note that these are common thicknesses, ва 5754 aluminum sheets may be available in other thicknesses as well. The choice of thickness depends on the specific application and structural requirements for which the aluminum sheet is being used. If you require a specific thickness for a particular project, it's best to consult with huawei aluminum to ensure you get the right thickness for your needs.

5754 aluminum sheet Chemical Compositions

Ва Cu Mg Зн Мн Cr Фе Дигар Дигарон ҳамагӣ Ал
0.40 0.10 2.6 - 3.6 0.20 0.50 0.30 0.40 0.05 0.15 the remainder ( 94.2-97.4 )

Хусусиятҳои механикии 5754 плитаи алюминий

  1. Tensile strength σ B (МПа):190~240
  2. Yield strength σ B (МПа):≥80
  3. дароз кардан:≥12

5754 aluminum alloy has moderate strength, муқовимати хуб ба зангзании, кафшерпазирй, and is easy to process and form.

Future market of aluminum sheet 5754?

With the vigorous development of the railway transport market, and the globalization of the automobile era, processing needs of the aluminum marine sheet, rail transportation, high-grade car complex parts are increasing, ва 5754 aluminum alloy has a great market prospect.

5754 Aluminum sheets of different heat treatment tempers are the main materials of the automobile manufacturing industry (car door, қолаб, мӯҳрҳо) ва саноати консерв.

Чӣ аст 5754 варақи алюминий барои истифода бурда мешавад?

5754 medium plate has good formability, муқовимат ба зангзании, кафшерпазирй, and medium strength. It is a typical alloy in Al-Mg alloys.

Applications Of 5754 Aluminum Plain Sheet

Applications Of 5754 Aluminum Plain Sheet

5754 aluminum sheet plate quality requirements

The quality of 5754 aluminum plates from Huawei is trusted by customers. Our factory has formulated strict production specifications and testing standards to ensure the reliability of the quality of 5754 плитаҳои алюминий.

We require that the surface of the aluminum plate is not allowed to have quality problems such as cracks, corrosion spots, nitrate traces, ва ғайра.

We can also customize materials according to the technical requirements of the demander.

5754 h111 aluminum sheet

aw 5754 h111 Chemical Composition

Chemical Element Мн Фе Mg Ва Cr Cu Mn+Cr Each Ҳамагӣ Аз Зн Ал
Present(% ) 0.0 - 0.50 0.0 - 0.40 2.60 - 3.60 0.0 - 0.40 0.0 - 0.30 0.0 - 0.10 0.10 - 0.60 0.0 - 0.05 0.0 - 0.15 0.0 - 0.15 0.0 - 0.20 Balance

5754 h111 Properties

Physical Property Зичии Нуқтаи обшавӣ Thermal Expansion Модули чандирӣ Кобилияти гармигузаронӣ Electrical Resistivity
Арзиш 2.66 г/см³ 600 °C 24 x10^-6 /K 68 GPa 147 W/m.K 0.049 x10^-6 Ω .m

Варақ - 0.2mm to 6.00mm (Spec: BS EN 485-2:2008)

Mechanical Property Proof Stress Устувории кашишӣ Сахтӣ Бринелл Elongation A50 mm
Арзиш 60 Min MPa 160 - 200 МПа 44 HB 12 Мин %

Алюминий 5754 price is determined according to the thickness of the aluminium sheet purchased, the size of the aluminium sheet and the performance index of the aluminium sheet.

Барои алюминий 5754 price, or to purchase aa 5754, please contact our sales staff.

Difference between of 5754 ва 5251 варақи алюминий

Ал 5754 нисбат ба кувваи баландтар дорад 5251. This high strength makes 5754 aluminum sheets highly suited to marine applications requiring a combination of strength and resistance to corrosion in seawater.

Хӯла 5754 aluminum sheet is sold basic materials but with high ductility and elongation, also have very good corrosion resistance, very small tension of the basic materials.
When making tooling, хӯла 5754 aluminum sheet has consistent stability in the core of thick plates, and has good welding properties as well.

The international standard width of aluminum sheets is 1000mm, 1200мм. We usually define an aluminum sheet with a width of over 1500m as an ultra-wide aluminum sheet for trailers. We can produce the super-wide aluminum sheet from 1500mm to 2650mm.

What is the difference between of 5083 ва 5754 варақи алюминий

5754 плитаи алюминий ва 5083 варақи алюминий belong to aluminum-magnesium alloy aluminum plate.

The difference between them is mainly due to the different magnesium alloy content, сахтӣ, and elongation.

The magnesium alloy content of 5754 aluminum sheets is about 3%, and that of 5083 aluminum plates is about 4.5%.

Дар ҳамин ҳол, the hardness of the 5083 aluminum sheet is higher than the 5754 плитаи алюминий.

Албатта, ба 5083 aluminum plate price is also higher.

Умуман, the higher the magnesium alloy content, the higher the hardness.

Бинобар ин, customers can choose a 5754 aluminum sheet or 5083 aluminum sheet according to actual needs.

5754 aluminum sheet supplier

5754 варақаи алюминий аз Henan Huawei Aluminium. ба стандарти содирот мувофиқат мекунанд. Плёнкаи пластикӣ ва коғази қаҳваранг метавонанд барои эҳтиёҷоти муштариён фаро гирифта шаванд. Чӣ бештар, кутти чубин ё паллета чубин барои аз вайрон шудани махсулот хангоми тахеил мухофнзат карда мешавад. Ду намуди бастабандӣ вуҷуд дорад, ки чашм ба девор ё чашм ба осмон. Мизоҷон метавонанд барои роҳати худ яке аз онҳоро интихоб кунанд. Умуман, ҳастанд 2 тонна дар як баста, ва бор кардан 18-22 tons in a 1×20′ container, ва 24-26 tons in a 1×40′ container.

5754 бастабандии варақи алюминий

5754 бастабандии варақи алюминий

Иқтибосҳои Huawei алюминий

Сана LME Нархи ҳафтаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи SMM
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Нархҳо дар навсозӣ карда мешаванд 10:00 дар рӯзҳои корӣ ҳастам.
2. Нархи маҳсулоти мо дар вақти воқеӣ вобаста ба тағирёбии LME тағир хоҳад ёфт, Қурби пул.
3. Барои нархҳои бештар, лутфан ба саҳифаи нархҳои мо муроҷиат кунед 2022 Нархи алюминий.