Чӣ аст 3003 h14 варақи алюминий

3003 хӯлаи алюминий is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 ё силсилаи 3xxx). Онро хунук кор кардан мумкин аст (вале не, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, бо гармӣ коркард карда мешавад) ки характери дорой иктидори баландтар, вале чандирии пасттар истехсол карда шаванд.

3003 is the American AA Aluminum Association alloy, H indicates the cold working hardening state, and the following numbers indicate the different degrees and types of cold working hardening about 3003 h14 алюминий.

3003 h14 aluminum sheet for sale

3003 h14 aluminum sheet for sale

References: wikipedia

Difference between of 3003 h14 and 1100 варақи алюминий?

аст 20 percent stronger than 1100 силсилаи алюминий, which is why it’s a preferred metal and is used for various applications in different industries.The 3003 h14 aluminum sheet is a medium-strength alloy that is made with 1.20 фоиз марганец.

3003 h14 aluminum sheet features

It has great resistance to corrosion, can be welded easily, and has excellent workability. It can be used for sheet metal works, ресандагӣ, расмкашӣ, зарфҳои сӯзишворӣ, tapping, ташаккул додан, and a variety of other applications.

As a 3003 хӯла, H14 aluminum sheets can be formed easily. Debossing or embossing an alloy of this temper can typically be done without cracking or straining the metal.

3003 h14 варақи алюминий

3003 h14 варақи алюминий

3003 h14 aluminum introduction

Муқаддима аз 3003 h14 алюминий 3003 Алюминий бо хӯла карда мешавад 1.20% марганец, ки кувваи онро зиёд мекунад 3003 бар алюминийи аз чихати тичоратй тоза (1100 силсила). 3003 has excellent machinability, weldability and good corrosion resistance. Он барои расмкашӣ истифода мешавад, ташаккул додан, ресандагӣ, зарфҳои сӯзишворӣ, sheet metal working and other applications that require moderate strength and good weldability of aluminum. H14 indicates condition, meaning 3003 штамм сахт шуда, кисман тафсон карда шудааст.
Another name Aluminium 3003-H14; AA3003-H14; Al3003-H14;Aluminum 3003-H14
Analysis 3003 H14 aluminum Conforms to ASTM BB209, QQ-A-250/2, AMS 4006, AMS 4008
хосиятҳои механикӣ Мин 90 degree cold bend radius (барои .064" ғафс): 0 The above values are average and may be considered as representative of 3003 H14 aluminum
барномаҳо 3003 H14 aluminum is widely used for stampings, spun and drawn parts and products, асбобхои пухтупаз, тачхизоти химиявй, builders hardware, зарфҳои нигоҳдорӣ, truck and trailer components, mail boxes, кабинетхо, fan blades, awnings, тарафайн, тачхизоти ошхона, ороиши ороишӣ, architectural uses, signage applications, ва ғайра. Where greater strength is required, consider 5052-H32.
machineability and weldability 3003-H14 aluminum has a machinability rating of 97% when compared to 2011 дар 100%, 3003 14 aluminum can be readily welded using all the common welding techniques.
heat treating 3003 H14 aluminum is not heat treatable.

3003 alloy equivalent alloy name

a3003, 3003а, aa3003, 3003аа, al3003, al3003a, а 3003, аа 3003, jis a3003p, al3003 class, aw3003, en3003 grade etc

3003 H14 Aluminum sheet performance

Ҳарорати хӯлаи Сахтӣ Дарозиш Қувваи ҳосилнокӣ Устувории кашишӣ
3003 h14 46 2-5 125 145-185

3003-h14 aluminum sheet thickness

0.2мм - 350мм(Hot size:3mm 2mm,ва ғайра)

Temper of 3003 h14

  1. The H14 in this 3003 alloy designates its temper, and also means that it’s partially annealed and strain hardened. This makes this metal easy to form. Another type of 3003 H14 aluminum sheet is the diamond sheet, which consists of the same properties. This diamond-patterned sheet is slip-resistant and offers aesthetic appeal. It’s also lightweight, yet strong.
  2. When using cold bending methods, it’s recommended that the temperature be at 30 degrees Fahrenheit. The applications this alloy is commonly used for include cooking utensils, зарфҳои нигоҳдорӣ, mailboxes, fan blades, тачхизоти ошхона, architectural uses, and builders' hardware. It’s also widely used for truck trailers and beds, catwalks, ошёнаҳо, ороиши ороишӣ, and walkways.3003h14 варақаҳои алюминий

    Temper of 3003 h14

  3. The machinability rating for 3003-H14 aluminum is 97 фоиз, compared to 2011 хӯлаҳо, which are 100 фоиз. It can be easily welded using typical welding methods. No heat treating can be used.
  4. As a professional manufacturer of aluminum sheets, we can provide you with 3003 h14 aluminum sheets with reliable quality, нархи оқилона ва расонидани фаврӣ. Мушаххасоти умумӣ дар саҳҳомӣ мавҷуданд. Андозаҳои махсус метавонанд мувофиқи дархостҳои муштариён фармоиш дода шаванд. Лутфан, агар шумо ягон савол дошта бошед, бо мо тамос гиред. Мо аз хидмат ба шумо хурсанд хоҳем буд.

Иқтибосҳои Huawei алюминий

Сана LME Нархи ҳафтаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи SMM
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Нархҳо дар навсозӣ карда мешаванд 10:00 дар рӯзҳои корӣ ҳастам.
2. Нархи маҳсулоти мо дар вақти воқеӣ вобаста ба тағирёбии LME тағир хоҳад ёфт, Қурби пул.
3. Барои нархҳои бештар, лутфан ба саҳифаи нархҳои мо муроҷиат кунед 2022 Нархи алюминий.