3000 series alloy metal color coated aluminum coil

3000 Coated Aluminum Coil|3003 3004 3005 3105 Color Coated Aluminum Coil|Orange Peel Aluminum Coil manufacturer&таъминкунандагон

3000 series coated aluminum coil provided by Huawei includes the 3003, 3004, 3105, ва 3005 силсила. Дар 3003 and 3A21 series are the two representative series.3000 Coated Aluminum Coil Features This series-coated aluminum coil is anticorrosive and its production technology is good.

This series-coated aluminum coil provided by Huawei includes the 3003, 3004, 3105, ва 3005 силсила. Дар 3003 and 3A21 series are the two representative series.

3000 series color coated aluminum coil

3000 series color coated aluminum coil

3000-coated aluminum coil features

  1. This series-coated aluminum coil is anticorrosive and its production technology is good.
  2. The main ingredient in it is manganese element and the content is between 1.0% ва 1.5%.
  3. 3000 силсила
  4. кати алюминийи ранга
  5. ғафсӣ:0.3-3мм
  6. васеъ:25-1300мм
  7. ранг карда шудааст

Хусусиятҳои 3 series Color coated aluminum coil

Color coated aluminum coil is the aluminum coil as the base material, after the surface paint coloring treatment to get the product, common fluorocarbon coating, polyester coating, ва ғайра. Color coated coil base material is generally used 3004 кати алюминий, 3105 кати алюминий, ва ғайра. With the performance advantages of color coated aluminum coil recognized by everyone, its application areas are becoming more and more extensive.

Color coated aluminum coil is a new type of material with good flatness, decorative, муқовимати обу ҳаво, mechanical, and environmental protection, thus widely used in aluminum composite panels, industrial plant roofing walls, пардаҳои алюминий, composite panels, шифтҳои алюминий, easy-to-pull cans, electronic products.

Color coated aluminum coil is chemically coated on the clean substrate surface after removing the antirust oil, нуқтаҳои занг, чанг, ва ғайра. attached to the surface of the aluminum coil substrate. The product quality of color coated coil depends on the basic properties of the substrate and coating, and also on the production and operation control techniques.

Хусусиятҳои 3 series Color coated aluminum coil

Хусусиятҳои 3 series Color coated aluminum coil

Color coated aluminum coil substrate 3004 кати алюминий / 3105 aluminum coil performance introduction

Color coated aluminum coil with 3004 кати алюминий: 3004 aluminum coil belongs to a series of AL-Mn alloys, бо кувваи баландтар аз 3003 варақи алюминий, ташаккулёбии хуб, ҳалшавандагӣ, ва муқовимат ба зангзании, requiring higher strength parts than 3003 хӯлаҳо.

Color coated aluminum coil with 3105 кати алюминий: 3105 aluminum coil has good rust resistance, гузаронандагии хуби электр, high plasticity in the annealed state, пластикӣ ҳанӯз хуб аст, вақте ки кори нимсард сахттар, low plasticity when cold work hardening, муқовимати хуб ба зангзании, кафшери хуб.

3004 aluminum coil vs 3105 кати алюминий

3004 aluminum coil vs 3105 кати алюминий

Aluminium coil coating

Coil coating is an industrial process used to produce precoated aluminium coils. There are different types of coatings: анод кардан, paint, liquid or powder coating. This method is used to promote the use of aluminium in most environmental conditions. For this reason application of coil coatings embraces two large industries: building and interior design.

Coil coating process

Coated aluminium can be used in food packaging to manufacture containers and cans. Coated aluminium makes trays more resistant to food with an aggressive pH or high salinity. More than this, it improves the aesthetic appeal of containers, adding personalization capabilities and enhancing the consumers perception of the quality of the product.

Aluminium coil coating

Aluminium coil coating

3000 Coated Aluminum Coil Applications

As a result of its good properties in anti-corrosion, this series-coated aluminum coil is commonly used in moist environments like air conditioners, яхдонхо, at the bottom of cars, ва ғайра.

The products have versatile applications such as for shipping, чоп кардан, автомобилӣ, domestic appliances, decorating, бастабандӣ, ва дигар соҳаҳо. wall panels, деворҳои парда, gutter boards, сақфҳо, roller shutters, column decoration and building renovation, indoor ceilings, elevators, wallboards of highway tunnels, signboards, show stands, bus stops, боғҳо, the top cover of the gallery, aluminum cellular panels, ва ғайра.

Aluminum car bottom

Aluminum car bottom

Aluminum air conditioner cover

Aluminum air conditioner cover

Иқтибосҳои Huawei алюминий

Сана LME Нархи ҳафтаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи SMM
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Нархҳо дар навсозӣ карда мешаванд 10:00 дар рӯзҳои корӣ ҳастам.
2. Нархи маҳсулоти мо дар вақти воқеӣ вобаста ба тағирёбии LME тағир хоҳад ёфт, Қурби пул.
3. Барои нархҳои бештар, лутфан ба саҳифаи нархҳои мо муроҷиат кунед 2022 Нархи алюминий.