Our factory of aluminium disc circle

1060 aluminium disc circle for sale

With high quality and reasonable price, huawei aluminum has become a famous aluminium circle supplier in India, БАА, Таиланд, Индонезия, Эфиопия, Кения, Буркина Фасо, Гана, Ангола, Марокаш, Колумбия, Чили, Боливия, Панама , the United Kingdom and other countries.

1060 aluminum circle supplier

1060 aluminum circle supplier

Reliable Quality Assurance

Huawei Aluminum has established a strict quality control system in the production process of aluminium circles.

The excellent quality avoids problems such as orange peel, hemming, and lotus leaves caused by deep drawing or spinning in the later processing of customers.

Positive reputation and customer loyalty

huawei aluminum has accumulated many years of national trade experience, and the aluminium discs we sell have leading competitiveness in terms of quality, price, delivery time and transportation.

1060 aluminum disc from huawei aluminum meets the highest quality standards, and the product pricing is competitive in the market.

aluminium circles in stock

aluminium circles in stock

We have established a series of reliable and efficient shipping processes for our customers to ensure timely product delivery and communicated this information clearly to our customers.

Huawei aluminum's excellent customer service and timely response to inquiries and orders has built a positive reputation and customer loyalty in the minds of customers.We have established stable and long-term cooperative relations in Burkina Faso, Гана, Ангола, Марокаш, Ҳиндустон, БАА, Таиланд, Индонезия, Эфиопия, Kenya and many other countries .

Параметрҳои 1060 aluminium circles from huawei aluminum

1060 тааллуқ дорад 1000 силсилаи алюминий, and it is a common industrial pure aluminum alloy grade.

1060 aluminum alloy has single production process and high cost performance, and it has good elongation, устувории кашишӣ, муқовимат ба зангзании, good heat dissipation effect and good formability. It can meet the requirements of conventional processing.

1060 aluminium circle is the one of the deep-processing products of the 1060alloy aluminum sheet&табақ.

Номи маҳсулоти баробар Доираи алюминий, aluminium disc, диски алюминий, aluminum wafer
Номи хӯлаи баробар a1060, 1060а, aa1060, 1060аа, al1060, al1060a, а 1060, аа 1060
Табиат О, H12, H14 H24 H18 H22 etc
Табобати рӯизаминӣ ранг карда шудааст, анод карда шудааст (anodised), mirror etc

1060 aluminum circle chemical composition

Ва Cu Mg Зн Мн Cr Фе Аз Дигар Ал
≤ 0.25 ≤ 0.05 ≤ 0.03 ≤ 0.05 ≤ 0.05 / ≤ 0.35 ≤ 0.03 ≤ 0.05 боқимонда

Барномаҳои 1060 доираи алюминий

мо 1060 aluminum circle aluminum disc can be used in the production of a variety of cookware products,such as for deep drawing, ресандагӣ, crafts, Reflector Panel, Traffic Sign, Decorative Products, Conductive Material, Construction Material, Electrical Appliances, ва ғайра

Зарф ( асбобхои ошхона, kitchen utensils ): non-stick pan, cookware bottom, cooking pot, high pressure cooker etc

1060 бастабандии доираи алюминий

1060 Aluminum circle can be packed in export standard, бо коғази қаҳваранг ва плёнкаи пластикӣ пӯшидан. Finally the Aluminium Round is fixed on wooden pallet/wooden case.

бастабандии доираи алюминий

бастабандии доираи алюминий

Иқтибосҳои Huawei алюминий

Сана LME Нархи ҳафтаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи SMM
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Нархҳо дар навсозӣ карда мешаванд 10:00 дар рӯзҳои корӣ ҳастам.
2. Нархи маҳсулоти мо дар вақти воқеӣ вобаста ба тағирёбии LME тағир хоҳад ёфт, Қурби пул.
3. Барои нархҳои бештар, лутфан ба саҳифаи нархҳои мо муроҷиат кунед 2022 Нархи алюминий.