1XXX series aluminum tread plate suppliers

The major series of this series aluminum tread plate provided by Huawei includes 1050, 1060, ва 1070 силсила.

1000 Aluminum Tread Plate is mainly made from alloy 1050, 1060, ва 1070. The purity of aluminum is more than 99.0%. It has patterns such as 1 бар, 3 панҷараҳо, 5 панҷараҳо, diamonds. 1000 Aluminum Tread Plate has good resistance to corrosion and forming properties.

1 силсилаи табақи алюминий судї

1 силсилаи табақи алюминий судї

Параметрҳои 1000 series metal pure aluminum tread plate

Alloy No. Ғафсӣ (мм) Васеъ (мм) Дарозӣ (мм) Табиат
A1050,A1060,A1070,A1100 1.0-10 20-2200 20-8000 H12,H22,H14,H16,H18, H24,H26,etc

1000 tread sheet features

  1. Намуна: алмос, 1 бар,3 панҷараҳо, 5 панҷараҳо.
  2. Temper of Aluminium stucco embossed sheet: H12, H14, H16, H18, H22, H24, H26, H32, H34, H36, H38, O etc.
  3. An alloy of Aluminium stucco embossed sheet: 1100, 1050, 1060, 1070
  4. Sheet Specification of Aluminium stucco embossed sheet: Ғафсӣ: 0.10mm--10mm, Width of Aluminium tread plate: Less than 2400mm, according to clients' specifications
  5. Packing of Aluminium stucco embossed sheet: Export standard, wooden pallet in the horizon or vertical
  6. Application of Aluminium stucco embossed sheet: Равшанӣ, чоп кардан, packing, decorative, electronics surface, hot rolled thick plate, PS base plate, aluminum plastic base plate, плитаи асоси девори парда алюминий, aluminum composite panel base plate, aluminum spacer, aluminum embossed sheet, пластинкаи алюминий
  7. Remarks of panel base plate: Specific requirements of alloy, табъ, or specification can be discussed at your request.

Stucco embossed aluminum sheet

Stucco embossed aluminum sheet

This aluminum tread plate, also called pure aluminum tread plate, has the highest aluminum content among all the series produced by Huawei. Its aluminum content can be more than 99.00%.As no other techniques are involved in the production, the production procedure is single and the price is cheap. It is a commonly used aluminum tread plate in conventional industries.

What are the types of patterned aluminum plates?

1. Five-bar aluminum alloy checkered plate: the five-rib non-slip aluminum plate becomes a willow leaf-shaped diamond plate and the aluminum alloy diamond plate. It has the good anti-skid ability and is widely used in the design of building (ошёна) платформаҳо. Since the pattern on the surface of the aluminum plate is arranged in parallel with five concave-convex patterns, ва ҳар як намуна дар кунҷи 60-80 degrees to other patterns, this pattern has excellent anti-skid performance. This kind of aluminum plate is usually used as an anti-skid in China, which has a good anti-skid effect and is a relatively cheap price.

Five bars and pointer pattern plate

Five bars and pointer pattern plate

2. Compass aluminum checkered plate: пластинкаи алюминии бе-лағзиш, which has the same effect as the five ribs, but it is not commonly used.

3. Orange peel aluminum alloy checkered plate is divided into classic orange peel pattern aluminum plate and variant orange peel pattern aluminum plate (also known as worm pattern). Its surface is similar to orange peel, so it can also be called an orange peel aluminum plate. It is a series of decorative patterns commonly used on refrigerators, кондитсионерхо, ва бастабандӣ.

Lentil and orange peel aluminum alloy pattern plate

Lentil and orange peel aluminum alloy pattern plate

4. Lentil pattern aluminum plate: It is a common style of non-slip aluminum plate, which has a good anti-slip effect. It is mainly used for the anti-slip of carriages, платформаҳо, cold storage floors, workshop floors, and elevators.

5. Spherical pattern aluminum plate: also known as hemispherical pattern aluminum plate. The surface presents a small spherical pattern, like a small pearl, so this aluminum plate can also be a pearl pattern aluminum plate. Mainly used for outer packaging. It looks beautiful. Аз сабаби намунаи махсус, қувваи ин плитаи алюминий хеле баландтар аз дигар силсилаи намуна аст.

Spherical pattern aluminum plate

Spherical pattern aluminum plate

6. Other aluminum patterns: wave pattern, corrugated pattern, corrugated pattern (инчунин метавонад плиткаи алюминий бошад), rattan pattern, three-dimensional triangle pattern, stripe pattern, pebble pattern, triangle pattern, butterfly pattern, ва ғайра.

7. Diamond-shaped aluminum alloy pattern plate: often used for packaging pipes or outer packaging.

What is the difference between Checker Plate, Tread Plate, and Diamond Plate?

Aside from the name, there's really no difference between a Checker Plate, a Tread Plate, and a Diamond Plate. Дар аксари мавридҳо, these names are used interchangeably. All three names refer to metal materials of the same shape.

Татбики пластинкаи алюминий

Равшанӣ, чоп кардан, packing, decorative, electronics surface, hot rolled thick plate, PS base plate, aluminum plastic base plate, плитаи асоси девори парда алюминий, aluminum composite panel base plate, aluminum spacer, aluminum embossed sheet, пластинкаи алюминий

Remarks of panel base plate: Specific requirements of alloy, табъ, or specification can be discussed at your request.

Patterned aluminum plate to make PS substrate

Patterned aluminum plate to make PS substrate

Patterned aluminum plate production printing

Patterned aluminum plate production printing

Иқтибосҳои Huawei алюминий

Сана LME Нархи ҳафтаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи LME 2023-04 Миёнаи SMM
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

1. Нархҳо дар навсозӣ карда мешаванд 10:00 дар рӯзҳои корӣ ҳастам.
2. Нархи маҳсулоти мо дар вақти воқеӣ вобаста ба тағирёбии LME тағир хоҳад ёфт, Қурби пул.
3. Барои нархҳои бештар, лутфан ба саҳифаи нархҳои мо муроҷиат кунед 2022 Нархи алюминий.