Avantajele plăcilor în carouri

Avantajele de aluminum checkered plates

As a common non-slip sheet, tabla de aluminiu modelată are următoarele avantaje:

Primul, performanța plăcii de aluminiu cu model este mai excelentă. Placa din aluminiu cu model are duritate mare, rezistență mecanică puternică și rezistență puternică la coroziune, and the patterned aluminum plate is easier to process and its appearance is much more beautiful than other non-slip materials.

În al doilea rând, the patterned aluminum plate has a longer life. One of the great advantages of aluminum is that it is resistant to corrosion and does not rust. In the humid and dark environment, the advantage of patterned aluminum plate can greatly extend the service life.

Al treilea, the value retention of aluminum plates far exceeds other materials. The price of one ton of scrap aluminum can be sold at about 80% of the price of aluminum ingots. Once other materials, scrap iron, oţel, and stainless steel are scrapped, their value is often not saved.