Ce este o bandă de aluminiu pentru scrisoarea canalului?

Banda de aluminiu pentru scrisoarea canalului este un produs comun al seriei de aliaje de aluminiu-mangan, care are proprietăți anti-rugină excelente, cunoscută și sub numele de bandă de aluminiu antirugină. Puterea este de aproximativ 10% mai mare decât cea a 1100, și formabilitatea, sudabilitate, și rezistența la coroziune sunt toate bune. It is used for processing parts that require good formability, rezistență ridicată la coroziune, si sudabilitate buna.

aluminum strip for channel letter supplier

Difference between aluminum coil and aluminum strip?

Aluminum coils and aluminum strips are frequently used industrial aluminum products. What is the difference between the two? The following briefly describes. Aluminum coils and aluminum strips are two different structures, and their specifications are different. In general vorbind, aluminum strips are of small specifications. Aluminum coils are large in size.

The raw material of the aluminum strip is pure aluminum or aluminum alloy cast and rolled aluminum coil and hot-rolled aluminum coil, which are rolled into cold-rolled aluminum sheets with different thicknesses and widths. The machine slits longitudinally into aluminum strips of different widths.

Aluminum strips series: It can produce various series products with a width between 20-1000mm and a thickness between 0.1-2.0mm.

Parameters of aluminum strip roll

best selling alloy: 1235, 3003, etc

Temperament: O, H12, H14, etc

Lăţime: 20mm, 25mm, 30mm etc

Tratament de suprafață: oglindă, acoperit cu culoare, etc

Aluminum strip for channel letter features

  1. more flexible
  2. more stable higher accuracy
  3. better impact resistance
  4. more resistant to chemical attack

Channel letter aluminum strip applications

Light LED channel letter profile, high quality bending aluminum strip for 3D channel letter sign, aluminum edge strips punched holes for letter, etc

aluminum strip Light LED channel letter