Main use and alloy temper of aluminum foil, such as cigarette aluminum foil ...

Naam: cigarette aluminum foil

Legering humeur: 8011-O

End use: Used in cigarette packaging after lining, printing or painting

cigarette aluminum foil box

Naam: Soft Packing Foil

Legering humeur: 8011-O

End use: Plastic, printed or painted for use in candy or food packaging


Naam: Video cable foil

Legering humeur: 1200/8011-O

End use: Aluminium - plastic composite used for covering video cable


Naam: Household aluminum foil

Legering humeur: 8011-O

End use: Used for packaging and preservation of household food


Naam: Tube aluminum foil

Legering humeur: 1200/8011-O

End use: Combined with PE printing, used for processing toothpaste, ointment, cosmetics and other cream products packaging


Naam: heating aluminum foil

Legering humeur: 8011-O

End use: After printing or painting, it is used for packaging milk products such as fresh milk and yogurt


Naam: Medicinal aluminum foil

Legering humeur: 8011-H19, 8011-O

End use: 8011-H19 After being coated with glue, plastic film and printed, it is used for tablet medical packaging. 8011-O Medical aluminum foil is compounded with PE, coated with glue, coated with plastic film, printed, cooled and stamped for medical packaging. Or by printing, coated with glue or plastic film for medicine bottle sealing packaging


Naam: Automobile radiator aluminum foil

Legering humeur: 1200-H18

End use: After punching, it is used for radiator fin of automobile water tank


Naam: Aluminum foil for food container

Legering humeur: 8011-H24, 8011-H22, 8011-O

End use: A semi-rigid container used for food packaging


Naam: Hydrophilic foil for air conditioner

Legering humeur: 1030B-H26, 8011-OO/H22/H24/H25/H26/H18

End use: Used for making air conditioner radiator and heat exchanger fin after punching


Naam: aluminum foil for finstock

Legering humeur: 1030B-H26, 8011-OO/H22/H24/H25/H26/H18

End use: Used for directly or after hydrophilic treatment to make air conditioning radiator, heat exchanger fins


Naam: Decorative aluminum foil

Legering humeur: 8011-O

End use: Used for processing aluminum base tape


Naam: Industrial aluminum foil

Legering humeur: 8011/1145/1200 O/H18

End use: General purpose aluminum foil alloy