Hoe maak je een aluminium geruite plaat schoon?

aluminium geruite plaat

1. In the process of cleaning aluminium geruite plaat bord, we moeten aandacht besteden aan het reinigen van de aluminium platen met patroon van boven naar beneden en van buiten naar binnen. De volgorde van reinigen moet worden uitgevoerd in overeenstemming met de voorgeschreven volgorde, anders kunnen de aluminiumplaten met patroon beschadigd raken.

2, because the chemical properties of aluminum products are not stable, we must pay attention to the use of neutral cleaning agents in the cleaning process, to prevent the use of acidic or alkaline cleaning agents to avoid damage to the aluminum plate. Before cleaning the patterned aluminum plate, we can put the cleaning agent used together with the aluminum products to see if the chemical properties of the aluminum plate will change, and then decide whether to use this cleaning agent.

3. In the process of cleaning the patterned aluminum plate, we must pay attention to the selection of cleaning materials, and must not use tools with excessive strength, such as steel balls. When we clean, we choose the best standard flat window wiper.

4. After cleaning the patterned aluminum plate, we'd better ventilate the room. If aluminum products are left in a humid state for a long time, there will be an aluminum oxide film on the appearance of aluminum. The aluminum oxide film is a matte product, which causes the appearance of aluminum to be non-smooth, and the color of aluminum is not bright, which affects the beauty of the patterned aluminum plate.