Aluminum sheet processing and applications

Henan Huawei Aluminium CO., Ltd is een toonaangevend bedrijf in aluminiumplaten en -spoelen in China. Wij bieden verschillende typen aluminiumplaten aan klanten, zoals gewone platen, kleurgecoate plaat en stucplaat volgens verschillende eisen. And the aluminium plaat can be used in many different areas like construction, auto, militair veld en anderen.

verwerking van aluminium platen

Aluminum sheet processing

Rolling begins with preheated sheet ingots that can weigh more than 20 ton. As the size of rolling mills has increased, so has the size of these ingots, but a typical ingot is approximately 6 voeten breed, 20 feet long and more than 2 feet thick. The ingot is first heated to rolling temperature and fed into a breakdown mill, where it is rolled back and forth until the thickness has been reduced to just a few inches. The slab can be subsequently cold rolled or may be heat-treated to increase its strength. The highest strength alloys are heat treated and rapidly cooled to room temperature, after which they are stretched to straighten and relieve internal stress built up during rolling and heat-treating. They are aged naturally at room temperature or artificially aged in a furnace to develop the desired combination of strength and corrosion resistance. Eindelijk, the plate is trimmed to final size. Plates produced in this manner may be used at full thickness, but are often machined into a variety of simple to complex shapes.

Aluminum sheet applications

Laken, the most widely used form of aluminum, is found in all of the aluminum industry’s major markets. In packaging, sheet is used to manufacture cans and packages. In transportation, aluminum sheet is used to manufacture panels for automobile bodies and tractor trailers. Sheet is used in home appliances and cookware. In building and construction, it is formed into products including siding, goten, dakbedekking, awnings and carports. Sheet aluminum can be color-anodized to black, goud, rood, blue and hundreds of other colors. It can be etched to a matte finish, polished to a sparkling brightness or textured to resemble wood and painted.

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