Conductive tape

Aluminum strip is a deep processing product made of aluminum coil cut lengthwise. De belangrijkste verwerkingsapparatuur voor aluminiumstrips is een snijapparaat, Het snijapparaat kan naar behoefte in de gewenste lengte en breedte worden verdeeld. Volgens de originele legering in de aluminium strip, the aluminum strip and aluminum plate are identical, also divided into 8 serie. Echter, de meest gebruikte series zijn 1000,3000,5000 En 8000 serie.

According to the different annealing state of aluminum strip, aluminum strip can be divided into full soft (O state), half hard (H24) and full hard (H18). Momenteel, the most commonly used should belong to the all-soft series, because the O-state is easy to stretch and bend.

Is Aluminium tape electrically conductive?

Aluminum strip is conductive. Aluminum alloy has low density but high strength. It is close to or exceeds high-quality steel. Het heeft een goede plasticiteit en kan tot verschillende profielen worden verwerkt. Het heeft een uitstekende elektrische geleidbaarheid, thermische geleidbaarheid, en corrosiebestendigheid. . Sommige aluminiumlegeringen kunnen een warmtebehandeling ondergaan om goede mechanische eigenschappen te verkrijgen, fysieke eigenschappen en corrosieweerstand.

Aluminum is second only to silver, copper and gold in conductivity. Although it is only two-thirds as conductive as copper, it is only one-third as dense. Als resultaat, aluminum is only half the mass of copper when it carries the same amount of electricity.

The oxide film on the surface of aluminum not only has the ability of corrosion resistance, but also has a certain insulation, so aluminum has been widely used in the electrical manufacturing industry, wire and cable industry and radio industry.

What is conductive tape used for?

Legering sollicitatie
1060 aluminium strip chemical equipment industry.
1100 aluminium strip Processing of devices and storage containers in the food industry, processing of chemical products, welding parts, warmtewisselaars, naamplaatjes, reflective utensils and processing of printing plates.
3003 aluminium strip Cold-worked bars, cold-worked wires, smeedstukken, foils and fins, pressure tanks, warmtewisselaars, chemische apparatuur, oil conduits, kitchen equipment, aircraft fuel tanks and reflectors.
3004 aluminium strip In the production and storage device industry of chemical products, in the production of lighting parts, in the processing and production of cable pipes and sewers, and in the industry of building baffles and building processed parts.

Huawei aluminium offerte

Datum LME LME-weekprijs 2023-04 LME-gemiddelde 2023-04 SMM-gemiddelde
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

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2. De prijs van onze producten zal in realtime veranderen afhankelijk van de fluctuatie van LME, Wisselkoers.
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