How do you make aluminium foil gold?
1) Гадаргуугийн урьдчилсан боловсруулалт: clean the profile surface by chemical or physical method, expose the pure matrix, бүрэн, нягт хиймэл ислийн хальс авахын тулд. Спекуляр эсвэл царцсан (царцсан) гадаргууг механик аргаар бас авч болно.
2) Анод исэлдэлт: For the surface pretreated profiles, тодорхой технологийн нөхцөлд, the substrate surface will be anodized to form a dense, porous and strongly adsorbed Al203 film.
3) Hole sealing: seal the pores of the porous oxide film formed after anodic oxidation to enhance the anti-pollution and anti-corrosion wear resistance of the oxide film.
Оксидын хальс нь өнгөгүй, ил тод байдаг. Using the strong adsorption of the oxide film before sealing the hole, some metal salts are adsorbed and deposited in the film hole, giving the appearance of the outline a variety of colors in addition to the natural color (silvery white), хар гэх мэт, хүрэл, gold and stainless steel.
Gold Aluminum Foil
Application of golden aluminum foil
Gold aluminum foil can be used for chocolate packaging, candy packaging etc.