Parameters of embossed aluminum sheet plate for refrigerator

  • Хайлш: 1100, 1050, 1070, 3003, 3004, 3105, 3005, 5005, 5052, 5754 гэх мэт

Why are embossed aluminum sheets used for refrigerator linings?

Embossed aluminum plate is also known as an aluminum embossed plate. It is based on aluminum plates. After calendering, the surface of the aluminum plate forms various beautiful patterns. Тиймээс, it is called an embossed aluminum plate in the industry. The product is widely used in product packaging and architectural decoration. Why are embossed aluminum sheets used for refrigerator linings? What are the advantages?

Embossed aluminum is used in refrigerator linings for a reason.
Эхлээд, embossed aluminum has good corrosion resistance and thermal conductivity, while the refrigerator interior environment is relatively humid. If you choose other materials, it does not meet the product requirements.
According to the order of metal thermal conductivity, зэврэлтэнд тэсвэртэй, and production cost, the metal plate of refrigerator lining is processed to make an aluminum plate. Embossed aluminum ensures good thermal conductivity, minimizes cost, and provides excellent corrosion resistance.
In order to increase the length and area of heat exchange between the air inside and outside the refrigerator, the embossed aluminum plate is used instead of a flat aluminum plate. The embossed aluminum plate is used to increase the contact area between air and the inner tank wall without causing pressure from the size of the tank space in the refrigerator, so as to carry out heat exchange more effectively and evenly.

Applications of embossed aluminum sheet plate for refrigerator

Embossed aluminum sheet uses:

  • Гэрэлтүүлэг
  • Нарны тусгал
  • building appearance
  • Дотоод засал чимэглэл: тааз, хана, гэх мэт.
  • Тавилга, кабинетууд
  • Цахилгаан шат
  • Labels, нэрийн хавтан, ачаа тээш
  • Машины дотор болон гадна засал чимэглэл
  • Interior decorations: such as photo frames
  • Гэр ахуйн цахилгаан хэрэгсэл: хөргөгч, богино долгионы зуух, аудио төхөөрөмж, гэх мэт.
  • Сансрын болон цэргийн тал, Хятадын томоохон нисэх онгоцны үйлдвэрлэл гэх мэт, Shenzhou сансрын хөлөг цуврал, satellite and other aspects.
  • Processing of mechanical parts
  • Хэвний үйлдвэрлэл
  • Chemical/insulation pipe coating