Decorative aluminum strips.

Decorative Aluminum Strips are widely used, and are widely used in the decoration of houses. There are common ceiling decorations, wall decorations, and door and window decorations. Aluminum strips are used.

Decorative aluminum strips

We provide you a wide range of Decorative aluminum strips.We have reliable quality, боломжийн үнэ, шуурхай хүргэлт. Нийтлэг үзүүлэлтүүд бэлэн байгаа. Тусгай хэмжээг үйлчлүүлэгчийн хүсэлтээр өөрчилж болно. Хэрэв танд асуулт байвал бидэнтэй холбоо барина уу. Бид танд үйлчлэхдээ баяртай байх болно..

FAQ about Decorative aluminum strips.

FAQ about Decorative aluminum strips.

Q: What are the characteristics of aluminum strip rolling?
Aluminum strip rolling belongs to the direction of metal pressure working and rolling.

Q: What are the properties, uses and classifications of aluminum strips?
According to the annealing state of the aluminum strip, хөнгөн цагаан туузыг бүрэн зөөлөн болгон хувааж болно (о) and semi-hard (H24) and hard (h18). Одоогоор, the most commonly used should belong to the fully flexible series, Учир нь О төлөв нь сунах, нугалахад хялбар байдаг. The main processing equipment for aluminum strip is the strip mill, хэрэгцээний дагуу шаардлагатай урт, өргөнд хувааж болно. Мэдээжийн хэрэг, the processing equipment is general, and can also process copper coils, and the processed products are called copper strips.

Q:Aluminum strip is used for aluminum strip.
3003 steel strip. tin foil. Thick plates, сунгасан хоолой. Хоолойг шахаж ав. төрөл. Barlushu wire. Cold rod, cold wire, тав утас, хуурамчаар үйлдэх, тугалган цаас, heat sink and other materials are mainly used for processing workpieces that require good formability, өндөр зэврэлтэнд тэсвэртэй, good weldability or both of these properties. , workpieces that require higher strength than 1*** хайлш, such as tanks and tanks for transporting fluids, даралтын савнууд, хадгалах төхөөрөмж, дулаан солилцогч, химийн тоног төхөөрөмж, онгоцны түлшний сав, газрын тосны хоолой, цацруулагч, гал тогооны тоног төхөөрөмж, cylinder washers , тав, утас, гэх мэт. 5052 Энэ хайлш нь сайн хэлбэржих чадвартай, зэврэлтэнд тэсвэртэй, ядрах хүч, and isostatic strength for candles. Энэ нь онгоцны түлшний сав үйлдвэрлэхэд ашиглагддаг, түлшний хоолой, and sheet metal parts for vehicles and ships, багаж хэрэгсэл, light stands and rivets, metal products

Q: What is the difference between aluminum plate and aluminum coil?
One sheet is flat and stored one by one, one sheet is rolled material, one roll is stored roll by roll, but the aluminum coil can be leveled by machine, that is the aluminum plate.

Q: What is the relationship between aluminum plate, aluminum foil and aluminum alloy strip?
The aluminum alloy strip is usually a backlog of aluminum or aluminum alloy, which is a square formed by extruding an aluminum alloy cast rod and using a die.