Mirror aluminum for ceiling

The mirror aluminum processing, screen printing, coating color processes a variety of patterns, and the patterns on the surface with aluminum mirror effect is brilliance,and the effect is very good.

By a special surface treatment technology, various pigments, paints, гэх мэт. Xin Yida specular aluminumcan be easily colored, colors and strong performance.

Product Characteristic:

  • Surface smoothness and easy cleaning
  • Flexible suspension system makes each ceiling tile easily installed and disconnected
  • Easy to match lamps or other ceiling parts
  • Surface color can be stable for 10 years by indoor use
  • Durable and washable
  • Inflammable and fire resistant,ус нэвтэрдэггүй,moisture proof, Sound and heat insulated,corrusion resistant,хялбар засвар үйлчилгээ
  • Light weight and excellent decorative suspension system

aluminum mirror Ceiling Application:

Shopping malls,supermarkets,outdoor facilities,gas stations,toll stations,метро,төмөр замын буудлууд,нисэх онгоцны буудлууд,bus stations,schools,оффисууд,meeting room,building lobbies,corridors,бие засах газар,sport venues.