what are the most commonly used cases of aluminum foil wrap?
Common aluminum foil products are mostly used in catering, baked food packaging, vacuum-packed foods, гэх мэт., and have a very good effect on food cooking for freezing, freshness, жигнэх, гэх мэт.
Жишээлбэл, in a refrigerator or freezer, aluminum foil can be wrapped around the food.
Aluminum Foil For Wrapping
The aluminum foil can maintain its shape, prevent the loss of water from fish, хүнсний ногоо, fruits, and dishes, and prevent the leakage or mixing of flavor, which is hygienic and convenient.
Aluminium foil is used to separate high-temperature charcoal fire and smoke during baking, which can prevent carcinogens caused by food scorching.
It is a healthier food processing and packaging material.
what's the advantages of using aluminum foil wrap?
Aluminum foil has the characteristics of light material, өндөр саадтай өмч, гэрлийн хамгаалалт, хэт ягаан туяаны эсрэг, чийгэнд тэсвэртэй, зэврэлтээс хамгаалах, удаан хадгалах хугацаа, аюулгүй байдал, and sanitation, гэх мэт.
Энэ нь усыг цэвэр байлгах, ус алдахаас хамгаалах илүү сайн функцтэй.
Үүний зэрэгцээ, түүний дахин боловсруулах түвшин маш өндөр байна, which has a very positive sign for saving resources and reducing the environmental pollution.
Тиймээс, хөнгөн цагаан тугалган цаасыг хүнсний савлагаанд өргөн ашигладаг, шарсан мах, хоол хийх, жигнэх, and shaping, түүнчлэн нисэх, зочид буудлын нийтийн хоолны салбарт хүнсний сав баглаа боодол.
Зузаан | 0.009mm – 0.03mm |
Өргөн | 200 – 600mm |
Урт | 1 – 100m |
Металл хайлш | 8011,1235,1145, гэх мэт |
Ааш зан | generally o |
Application area
Aluminum foil sheet is a kind of commonly used aluminum foil for household use, which is suitable for food preservation, шарах, нисэх, зочид буудлын хоол, гал тогооны цэвэрлэгээ.
It has good cooking, freezing, freshness, шарах, and other purposes.
Үүний зэрэгцээ, aluminum foil products also have the characteristics of high resource recycling and reuse, which can protect the environment, reduce waste of resources, and increase social benefits.