Хөнгөн цагаан ороомгийн нөөц гэж юу вэ?
Нөөцөд байгаа хөнгөн цагаан ороомог үйлдвэрлэгдэж эхлээд байна 70 жил. Хөнгөн цагаан хуудас үйлдвэрлэл, тууз ба ороомог нь сайн залгамж чанартай байдаг, өндөр үр ашигтай, сайн металлын шинж чанартай. Хөнгөн цагаан ороомгийн нөөцийг хөшигний хана барихад өргөн ашигладаг, хөнгөн цагаан-хуванцар нийлмэл хавтан, өндөр зэрэглэлийн барилгын дээвэр, дээвэр, хаалга, цонх, various containers (including cans) гэх мэт.
Aluminum coil stock suppliers near me
As an aluminum coil stock manufacturer, Huawei хөнгөн цагаан has always been adhering to the concept of taking quality as the first element. For more than 20 years in the production and processing of aluminum alloy products, we have exported a large number of aluminum metal materials to more than 70 countries in the world, and have received Affirmed and agreed. It also solved the problem of "where to find aluminum coil suppliers?" to many buyers.
Aluminum coil stock specification
aluminum coil colors stock |
Aluminum coil surface treatment |
Coil stock aluminum thickness |
Aluminum coil stock gauge |
Aluminum alloy coil stock |
Stock aluminum coil features
1. The quality is easy to control, the quality is good,
2. High utilization rate of raw materials and coatings for production and low loss;
3. The use of materials is energy-saving, low in cost and good in economic benefits.
4. Aluminum coil products have the characteristics of strong decoration, weather resistance and corrosion resistance.
5. The metal surface of the aluminum coil is anti-fouling and has the advantages of good processability and formability.
What is aluminum coil stock used for?
1. Хөнгөн цагаан ороомог are used as decorative materials.
2. Aluminum coil stock can be used to make profiles such as door and window frames and window sashes
3. It can be used as building materials, барилгын салбарт механик эд анги, барилгын чимэглэл.
4. Used as a conductor to manufacture artificial metals.
5. It can be made into rods and tubular parts, багажийн үйлдвэрлэлд өргөн хэрэглэгддэг.
6. Can be used for precision casting aluminum alloy ingots.
7. Can make car fuel tank.
8. Can be used as mold material.
9. Can be used for chemical industry.
10. Can be used in machinery industry.