Streamlining Your Production Line: Choosing the Right Aluminum Foil Rolling Solution

Юу вэ 1050 pure aluminum raw metal?

1050 metal pure aluminum belongs to 1000 цуврал цэвэр хөнгөн цагаан, 1050 хөнгөн цагаан coil with high plasticity, зэврэлтэнд тэсвэртэй, electrical conductivity and good thermal conductivity characteristics, but the intensity is low, not through the heat treatment strengthening, cutting is not good, acceptable contact welding, gas welding . According to the international nomenclature, the aluminum content must be above 99.5%. Учир нь энэ нь бусад техникийн элементүүдийг агуулдаггүй, so the production process is relatively simple, үнэ харьцангуй хямд, is currently the most commonly used in a series of conventional industries.

-ийн параметрүүд 1050 хөнгөн цагаан

Ижил нэр

a1050, 1050а, aa1050, 1050аа, al1050, al1050a, а 1050, аа 1050, jis a1050p, al1050 class, aw1050, en1050 grade etc

Ааш зан

Зөөлөн HO (h0), H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, H16, H17, H18, H19, H20, H21, H22, H23, H24, H25, H26, H27, H28, H29, H30, H31, H32, H33, H34, H35, H36, H37, H38, H39, H46, H48, H111, H112, H114, H116, H131, H321 гэх мэт

Бүтээгдэхүүний төрлөөс хамааран, гэж хувааж болно

Химийн найрлага 1050 хөнгөн цагаан

  • Тэгээд ( Цахиур ): ≤ 0.25
  • Cu ( Зэс ): ≤ 0.05
  • Mg ( магни ): ≤ 0.05
  • Zn ( Цайр ): ≤ 0.05
  • Mn ( Манган ): ≤ 0.05
  • Fe ( Төмөр ): ≤ 0.4
  • -ийн ( Титан ):≤ 0.03
  • Бусад нийт: ≤ 0.15
  • Ал ( Хөнгөн цагаан ): үлдэгдэл 99.5

Механик шинж чанар 1050 metal pure aluminum

Ааш зан
Тодорхойлсон Суналт
хүч чадал
хүч чадал
Зузаан(мм) (МПа) (МПа) (%)
1050-O/ 1050-H111 0.2-0.5 65-95 Мин 20 Мин 20
0.5-1.5 Min22
1.5-3.0 Min26
3.0-6.0 Min29
6.0-12.5 Min35
1050-H112 6.0-12.5 Min75 Мин 30 Мин 20
12.5-80.0 Min70 Мин 25
1050-H12 0.2-0.5 85-125 Min65 Мин2
0.5-1.5 Мин 4
1.5-3.0 Мин 5
3.0-6.0 Min7
6.0-12.5 Мин9
1050-H14 0.2-1.5 105-145 Min85 Мин2
1.5-3.0 Мин 4
3.0-6.0 Мин 5
6.0-12.5 Мин 6
1050-H16 0.2-0.5 120-160 Min100 Мин1
0.5-1.5 Мин2
1.5-4.0 Мин3
1050-H18 0.2-0.5 Min135 Min120 Мин1
0.5-1.5 Min140 Мин2
1.5-3.0 Мин2
1050-H19 0.2-0.5 Min155 Min140 Мин1
0.5-1.5 Min150 Min130
1050-H22 0.2-0.5 85-125 Min55 Мин 4
0.5-1.5 Мин 5
1.5-3.0 Мин 6
3.0-6.0 Min11
6.0-12.5 Мин 12
1050-H24 0.2-0.5 105-145 Min75 Мин3
0.5-1.5 Мин 4
1.5-3.0 Мин 5
3.0-6.0 Хамгийн бага 8
1050-H26 0.2-0.5 120-160 Min90 Мин2
0.5-1.5 Мин3
1.5-4.0 Мин 4
1050-H28 0.2-0.5 Min140 Min110 Мин2
1.5-3.0 Мин3

1050 aluminum alloy applications and features:

  • 1.1050 хөнгөн цагааны хайлш , which belongs to pure aluminum series, has high ductility and reflectivity.
  • 2.1050 aluminum alloy is a non-heat treatment alloy, which is enhanced by cold working, and has excellent cold workability, solderability and weldability.
  • 3. Compared with metals with higher alloy content, 1050 aluminum alloy mechanical strength is lower, тийм 1050 aluminum alloy is well suitable for chemical and electrolytic brightening but not in casting.
  • 4. The least important point is that the surface of 1050 aluminum alloy can be anodized. Нэмж хэлэхэд, it has medium strength and excellent processing technology makes 1050 aluminum alloy have a wider range of applications.

-ийн програмууд 1050 Хөнгөн цагааны хайлш

1050 aluminum alloy is commonly used in some places that require high corrosion resistance and formability but not high strength. 1050 aluminum alloy is also industrial aluminum. Жишээлбэл, A typical application is the manufacture of chemical industry containers. Нэмж хэлэхэд,1050 aluminum alloy is used for lithium battery soft connection, pole material, explosion-proof valve, PS хавтангийн суурь, дулаан шингээгч, тэмдэг, lamp, тусгал, гэх мэт.